The Worst Glenn Station - 3rd place at OKORINA

Cpt_nice 1960

"Why did I have to get fancy" - Me to myself during the tournament

OKORINA is a cool new format from Sanjay, in which players pick an agenda and unique connection as their corp/runner ID to build a deck around. I settled on Puppet Master as my corp for the longest time but switched to Glenn Station (the most popular corp at the event) at the last moment. While I ended up getting bronze, seeing other decks in action I feel this one definitely isn't optimized.

Mistakes made during deck building:

  • Relying on MCA Austerity Policy, since I thought it would be a cheaper and less influence heavy way to get to 5 clicks than double Biotic. Turns out, being able to just say "I win" at 13 credits + 9 advancements is a lot easier than having MCA survive 2 runner turns
  • Not maxing out on Mass Commercialization
  • No Wall to Wall (figured I would have MCA out too often)
  • Not maxing out on Global Food Initiative
  • Forgetting Priority Construction is a card

Outside of the suboptimal card choices, the core of the deck is incredibly strong. Use your 3x Fast Track and park Government Takeover on your ID until your are ready to score via Red Planet Couriers. The runner has to find the majority of all your remaining 6 agendas to win the game. Meanwhile you build up taxing servers via advanced ice and Cayambe Grid.

MCA Austerity Policy fired exactly 0 times the entire tournament. The deck wasn't taxing enough (especially for the ultra rich runners of the format) to properly secure centrals AND the remote. I ended up having to get creative. One time I won by not scoring Government Takeover at all, another time I took it off my ID but placed an ssl in the remote instead, scoring Takeover with Biotic next turn (after praying the runner didn't check HQ), and another time a taxing remote with Border Control let me score it without click shenanigans.

The deck ended up winning 4 out of 5 games. It won against Bhagat, Cybertrooper Talut and 2x The Class Act. It lost against Human First.

I had an amazing time and I will definitely partake in the next one. Kudos to Sanjay for inventing this format and running a great event!