Argus Security - 10,000 Fists

drhems 18

Here are general thoughts about this deck. Suggestions are welcome.

1) As with any flat line deck it gets destroyed by the Eater/ Key Hole combo. This is dealt with by Wraparound(to make runs expensive) and Crisium Grid(to stop Key Hole's power.)

2) Most runners will run on their 3rd click so they can clear the tag with their 4th. Data Raven is my favorite card to make that tag stick around. Sometimes the runner will even float both tags because they think they are safe from a scorched because of lack corp credits. This is fantastic when sitting with a couple of Traffic Accidents in HQ or that Closed Accounts.

3) Dedicated Response Team is perfect for taking the decision of "meat damage or tag" from the runner and putting it back in the Weyland's capable hands. If you want the runner to take the tag you don't rez Dedicated Response Team; if you want the runner to take the meat damage you pay 2 and rez it. If the runner is already tagged because of Midseasons then this adds to the run punishment. Once it is rezed it will certainly be targeted for a run. It's best to protect this with a Data Raven so you at least get 2 meat damage out of it, 4 if used before.

4) Cerebral Static and Chronos Project are both included to annoy and break most Anarch/Shaper decks.

5) Housekeeping is a fantastic early game current and fantastic against Noise all the time.

6)Something very important when going for the flat line against an Anarch was pointed out to me early while playing this. When using a combination of Scorches and Traffic Accidents on an Anarch with 5 cards it is best to do by playing the Traffic Accident first. If you don't hit I've Had Worse then you can follow up with the scorched for the flat line. Playing the Traffic Accident 1st reduces your chance of hitting I've Had Worse with a non lethal dose of meat damage.

7)Information Overload is great for removing entire rigs after you hit the runner for a huge Midseason Replacements. Once tagged this ice is extremely taxing.

3 Mar 2015 esutter479

Playing with 2 different currents...that's bold, yet very logical at the same time. :) I like this concept, and I can probably use elements from it to make my own Argus a bit better! Good stuff!

4 Mar 2015 drhems

@esutter479 Thanks! I wish I could have Cerebral Static in every deck because of how detrimental it is to so many runners. I've had several runners make bad plays when this card hits the table. Housekeeping plays toward the "make the runner make hard decisions" theme of this deck. It really slows down Noise if you can get it out early.