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Friff14 584

There are five main pieces to this combo. John Masanori, Snitch, two copies of Au Revoir, and Data Leak Reversal. Hades Shard is also important, but not as crucial; that's what Crypsis is for - getting into archives if you never get your Hades Shard out.

Anyway, the idea is this: Make a run with John Masanori, Snitch it, jack out (gaining credits from Au Revoir and getting a tag from Masanori), use DLR twice, and remove the tag with the Au Revoir credits. Or use Crash Space to get rid of the tag. Then the corp can't trash your DLR.

If you don't get DLR first turn, mulligan. If you do, make a run on Archives and get it in. Just get into a central server somehow so you can get DLR out.

When you need money to install Hades Shard, look no further than Au Revoir. If you've got Snitch and two Au Revoirs (like you should), it'll give you two credits per click. You'll have to drop the tags, but if you've got Crash Space, that'll be cheap. 6 credits in one turn if you need it.

But you probably won't, because if you've got Crash Space and 1 Au Revoir, you'll be getting a free credit each turn. 2 Au Revoirs, and you're making serious dough for free.

I posted this deck originally about two months ago, but under a different name. Since then, I've seen the combo a few times, and I feel that this is about the ideal way to get to it. Of course, there's that other deck I'm posting, that has exactly the same effect through a different combo, but I haven't tried that one yet. You can find that one here. Which one do you prefer? What would you change about it?

22 Jan 2015 Syntax

Sec testings, maybe. For the moments You only need draws + credits (masamori).

22 Jan 2015 Jashay

That's an absolute boatload of card drawing. A bit excessive, perhaps?

Also, how efficient is this? Each turn, at best, you can trash two cards if you are also clearing the tag, and that's if you make no runs. What's to stop the Corp just scoring for fun?

23 Jan 2015 Oisin

I like it--a quirky combo deck. It probably won't win a store championship or anything, but it looks like a lot of fun.

23 Jan 2015 hi_impact

With the addition of Au Revoir, Andy stole this deck from Iain. The only thing stopping Andy from running it was the 2c needed to clear tags, but now she can sport the full deck with even more influence.

Plus no one expects it out of Andy. Nice.

25 Feb 2015 rojazu

Nice deck. I have run a variant of this deck a couple of times with:

+3 Early Bird (to mill an extra card for 3 turns or obtain a free click to install something); +2 Unscheduled Maintenance (as a counter to ELP which shuts this combo down very fast) +2 Daily Casts; Found economy to be an issue

-2 Plastics (have crash space / i've had worse) -2 Mr Li (plenty of draw already) -1 Hostage (dont have a problem drawing into massonori) -1 Inside Job (with Andy+BurstDraw I rarely had an issue finding DLR early) -1 Logos (again dead draw and normally finding 1 by mid game)

The draw package is phenomenal and usually the combo is up by the start of turn 4 every time, and I still has some burst draw in hand to use for turns when Im taking a rest from milling. In fact im seeing the 25-30 cards of the deck by the end of turn 3.

I found the deck suffers from not pressurising the corp enough into rezzing ice in the early/midgame. In other words, they get rich and you are not really disrupting them enough and they can just score out as the mill isnt fast enough to deck them in time.