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Iain's Key to the Mill | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Two off the Top, Please | 6 | 5 | 5 |
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There are five main pieces to this combo. John Masanori, Snitch, two copies of Au Revoir, and Data Leak Reversal. Hades Shard is also important, but not as crucial; that's what Crypsis is for - getting into archives if you never get your Hades Shard out.
Anyway, the idea is this: Make a run with John Masanori, Snitch it, jack out (gaining credits from Au Revoir and getting a tag from Masanori), use DLR twice, and remove the tag with the Au Revoir credits. Or use Crash Space to get rid of the tag. Then the corp can't trash your DLR.
If you don't get DLR first turn, mulligan. If you do, make a run on Archives and get it in. If you can't get into Archives for some reason, there are two copies of Feint to make up for that.
When you need money to install Hades Shard, look no further than Au Revoir. If you've got Snitch and two Au Revoirs (like you should), it'll give you two credits per click. You'll have to drop the tags, but if you've got Crash Space, that'll be cheap. 6 credits in one turn if you need it.
But you probably won't, because if you've got Crash Space and 1 Au Revoir, you'll be getting a free credit each turn. 2 Au Revoirs, and you're making serious dough for free.
I saw a similar combo with Iain Stirling, but it was inconsistent and required you to be behind or have a huge stash of credits. With this build, you can get your rig going by turn 3, consistently by turn 5, though some times it's a bit longer and annoying. I used Andy because nobody expects this kind of jank out of Andy so you are pretty safe, as long as they've never played against this deck before. If they have, that's what Feint is for. And if not Feint, then Crypsis.
I don't know why I wrote this in such a matter-of-fact fashion, because I've never played it. But it should be fun and possibly workable.
2 Dec 2014
2 Dec 2014
Hmm, I've got a very similar deck in the works using Ken. Same combo with Au Revoir + Snitch + Masanori to activate DLR :) |
2 Dec 2014
I considered Ken, but I think the important part is getting it going. With Andy, you have a 75% chance of getting DLR in your opening hand (if you'll mulligan for it). With Ken, it's only 39%. The most crucial part is getting DLR out before they can lock you out of central servers. I mean, there are Crypsi and Feints to make up for the times it won't work, but it's so much easier if you can just make it work the first turn. |
3 Dec 2014
My build was less jank focused and more like putting Anatomy of Anarchy into a Criminal deck. The anarch style harassment like Data Leak Reversal is low influence :) |
3 Dec 2014
That's probably a pretty good idea, because Anatomy makes such a huge focus on Siphon. So it gives you a good 15 (17) Anarch influence to throw in there. Might be fun; I'll have to try that out. |
4 Dec 2014
I've been wanting to make a DLR abuse deck for awhile. Why not Networking though? Saves you 1c per tag removal, same click cost. I guess the only downside would be slotting it in, but I think you could try swapping the Crash Space for them. granted, the Space does double as meat protection. you can still be SEA Scorched since you're running. but you already have Plascrete Carapace. I may port this directly into testing, swapping Crash Space for Networking |
5 Dec 2014
Networking can't be paid for by Crash Space. I mean, it's only one credit, but clearing a tag is free with Crash Space. It could still work, but if you plan on DLR'ing more than three times, it's more click- and credit-efficient to use Crash Space. Plus, I like the meat damage protection. I was considering dropping the Plascretes entirely until I remembered that you can trash Crash Space with a Sea Source or an Elizabeth Mills (who is making a serious comeback). |
9 Dec 2014
Wow! This deck seems overpowered... If you can get it online on turn 2 or 3, corporation has only about (49/(2 milled + 1 drawn)) 12 turns! But if you can get joshua B and New Angeles City Hall then you can mill the corp much faster. I think we will see some bans in netrunner soon. |
11 Dec 2014
Joshua B. just doesn't seem like he would work very well. He is expensive, costs influence, and is another two pieces to the combo. Five cards is hard enough; having to get a Joshua and a City Hall would need more time and more card draw. Also, another Au Revoir would probably be necessary to get the money. |
1 Jan 2015
I tried the same combo sans Au Revoir and with Networking a few months ago. I wasn't happy with it. If you go all in you're only milling two cards a turn, and you aren't making any successful runs, which means that the corp can just score agendas with impunity. But if you don't go all in (and even if you do) a good Noise deck will match the milling card for card, and make successful runs while doing it. Perhaps I might try it again with Doppelganger. Then you can get a successful run followed by an unsuccessful run. But at that point you're reaching ridiculous combo status (because it wasn't already?). |
Looks interesting and original. Thumbs up from me.