If You Give a Quetzal an Ekomind...

JosephK 13

...she'll want some Origami programs to go with it. But if she has an increased hand size, she'll want a few Duggar's for some mad card draw. But because Duggar's will get rid of her deck so quickly, she'll want a Levy AR Lab Access to cycle back her cards. But because Ekomind and Levy AR Lab Access have a conflict of interest (you discard down to 0 before you get to draw 5 more cards, reducing your MU to 0 and forcing you to trash all your programs), she'll want her friend The Supplier to hold onto her Ekomind until after she's Levy'd. He can also hold onto her e3 Feedback Implants and some Scrubbers, not to mention all of that asset economy like Liberated Account and Daily Casts. And at that point she'd be better off to use Public Sympathys instead of Origami, because they have essentially the same effect (3 Origamis give you +9 hand size, but because with Ekomind they take up 3 MU, they'll only collectively give you the +6 you'd get from Public Sympathy). Quetzal's finally ready to install her programs, Overmind and D4v1d (she'll also want a Mimic to deal with those pesky Swordsmen)...

At that point, Quetzal is interrupted by her opponent, who points out that the game was over 6 turns ago.

This isn't a very good deck.