Noise - Schehexually Transmitted Diseases v0.7

Ulkrond 2031

10 Sep 2014 funnyways3

Man I love seeing these :) I tried the Inside Job for a bit actually. I really liked it, but that'll probably disappear when Hades Shard comes into the mix (I assume Inside Job is to make that last stitch effort on Archives easier). How've the Cyber Threats been working? Without the money control, I can't help but think that Cyber isn't a deterrent so is it so you know how much to save up? Liking this! My STDs are getting a major overhaul with First Contact, have a major change to the engine I'm dying to try :)

10 Sep 2014 Ulkrond

want to pull up more cyber threat to activate parasite or make successful runs. But will redesign with Hades Shard in the mix