Means - 1-3 @Montreal CO June 2023

Diogene 4539

Iteration on the same archetype, but meant to be faster for the Circuit Opener of June 2023 in Montreal.

Mulligan plan : Obelus or money.

Game plan : tag yourself, make lots of money, and run to see a massive amount of cards for the win.

Here are the keys difference with the previous deck :

  • Hush, because I thought there would be Border Control, since the Montreal meta favor Weyland. But I didn't face any. Those are for meta call slots. Could be replaced by anything. I would replace them by an additional By Any Means and Jarogniew Mercs.
  • Diesel, because I found that sometime I seach for my combo cards and this speeds up things.
  • Stoneship Chart Room, just like Sebastiank told me in a game, it allows to click Rogue Trading twice and get to 7 cards in the early game.
  • Mad Dash, which is the 46th card here. After using By Any Means, there are often agendas in archive. This let me get more value.

Now, this deck has 12 cards with draw power. To that, you can add Obelus and Labor Rights. That is a third of the deck dedicated to drawing cards. This is meant to help against fast corp like Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home.

Fun trick : in the early game, when we have about 5 to 7 tags, doing By Any Means on HQ slows down the corp quite a bit and give you time to prepare for the big dig.

Lastly, I found a niche case of By Any Means : it does not trigger Mwanza City Grid! This is because we do not access any cards. That was a fun discovery for me and my opponent (who was on Jinteki: Personal Evolution).

While this is one way to use it, discovering how good this deck is against Jinteki: Personal Evolution has made me less apprehensive to face that identity. I'm sure other players can find better use of By Any Means. Maybe with Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist, to deck the corp?

It was fun to play and demonstrate how effective By Any Means can be. But sometime, like any Counter Surveillance deck, you trash 12 cards from R&D and see only 1 agenda point, like it happened for me against Acme and PE. My lost against Thule was because I got 4 core damages after a Counter Surveillance run and the corp won by scoring Ontological Dependence for a click. The deck won against Thule because I saw 5 agendas points in th Counter Surveillance run.

Thanks to all my opponents. It was a lot of fun.
