Fire Sale Wu 1.0

Xandorius 1625


I've always liked the combo potentials in Shaper and Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker being able to tutor cards when needed provides a lot of consistency and potential. This deck leverages Wu's ability to get breakers out quickly on demand, then utilizes the 'bin breakers' to full effect, trashing and reinstalling as part of its economic engine. Some recent articles have talked about Shaper having a 'shifting rig' - I love that idea however the flexibility of being able to install from the heap has turned out to be more beneficial than new 'bonus when installed' breakers that Shaper's received, such as Gauss.


I also really enjoy trying to use uncommon or unusual cards. Enter Flame-out; which I don't think I've ever seen played. This card is both difficult to use due to the install order required in hosting, and it trashes whatever you install so you would need to be using something relatively cheap. The bin breakers solve both problems. Flame-Out trashing them enables you to create a cycle of using Flame-out money and reinstalling/rehosting from the heap.

Flame-out gets support from Rejig which effectively serves as a 9 refresh. Suddenly Rejig can become a serious economy card.

Flame-out's trash feature sends a breaker back into the bin, so reinstalling them constantly cuts down on credits. Enter Cybertrooper Talut: now those reinstalled breakers have +2 strength which regularly pushes them from the typical 6 breakpoint down to the 3 one. If you can save 3 then Black Orchestra breaks even on install cost and MKUltra nets a credit. If multiple ICE are stacked on a server then the potential savings can be even more.

Reinstalling is further assisted by Simulchip which ultimately serves as an economy card; allowing you to reinstall/rehost bin breakers for cheap, or to reinstall/refresh Harbinger. And that leads me to....


Aesop's Pawnshop is core economy to this deck. The other economy cards support selling to Aesop's to push further benefit. Selling bin breakers gives you money now and sets them up for a reinstall on Flame-out. Harbinger simply becomes 6 and you push a bit more value out of Daily Casts and Armitage Codebusting. If Aesop's is out, then using Wu to install Harbinger and trashing it with Spec Work becomes 2 clicks for 3 and 2 cards, with an Aesop's sale ready to go.


For this deck, I mulligan for Aesop. It's really the only card needed in your opening hand to get the ball rolling. After that you want your economy to start rolling in, and hopefully see your first Flame-out early. Once you have some cash in the bank, there's a couple ways you can fling all your breakers out in a single turn.

Using Wu's ability to install the three breakers and trash them as the next one installs costs 6 total. Coincidentally this would be the use cost of 3 Self-modifying Code which turned out to be unnecessary in this deck. On your fourth click you'll have one breaker installed that you need to get trashed to ensure it isn't removed from the game (per Wu's ability). There are three ways to effectively do this. Spec Work, Simulchip, or worst case using Wu to install and sacrifice a Harbinger. Being able to get all three breakers ready to go in one turn on demand I think is an incredibly strong feature of Wu.


Multi-access comes from Khusyuk, R&D Interface, and The Turning Wheel. I think that mix works well but probably some tweaks could be made.

Console needs are pretty flexible... Whenever I don't have a specific console need I tend to fall back on Turntable because it can lift some pretty heavy weight sometimes. Few other consoles directly improve your win condition.

Overall I think the economy engine between Flame-out and Aesop's is sufficiently supported to enable some really good burst plays. Any suggestions or ideas for further tweaks would be greatly appreciated!

22 Oct 2020 Xandorius

One final thought! The deck is severely crippled by Ark Lockdown - if that's common in your meta then I'm not too sure how to avoid it!