Do not look at the influence spend: 1-4 @ Worlds

cablooshe 331

Brought out a Kit list to worlds. I came in hoping it'd be decently set up against a lot of lists. Unfortunately, I played it pretty bad.

I kept dumping Compile into the bin vs lots of weyland lists, and getting wrecked when the SDS came out a turn or two later. Otherwise, I ended up rushed out by Restoring Humanity, but had 1 win vs PD.

Why is nobody running The Twinning in Spark lists? You have more then enough draw to eventually get it in most matchups, and it's insane with Orca to get 2 power counters each turn. If your meta is less based around asset spam you could probably even drop the Wheels + Buffer Drive to get a 2nd one in here. Seeing 4 cards off a Trick Shot is bonkers, and sometimes I feel like I can even drop the Burners since it's all the HQ pressure you need.

Speaking of Buffer Drive, the idea was to enable grabbing a 4th Spark of Inspiration, or 3rd Compile on demand. Dumping a Lobisomem, waiting until you draw a Spark, then Driving the Lobi back to the top is a great way to grab the exact breaker you need without needing to make a run into a rezzed piece of ice.

The above scenario as a Compile replacement is really nice, as a Spark, it's an extra 3 credits and a click to put it back on top so maaaaaaaaaaybe not great.

Big shout outs incoming:

Got some help putting this list together due to @ksodiya, @smittyl, @abyssstaresback, and @runaway. We've formed a testing group and will be continuing to iterate on whatever we want to throw at the wall in the coming future. While our worlds performance didn't get any of us into top cut, I fully believe Janktinho will return next year with a vengeance.

To everyone else in Seattle, y'all are the best. Netrunner is 100% the best card game out there, and a huge part of that is the community around it. Big shoutout to y'all who welcomed me in to play.

Big shout out to all those I met at worlds this year. Whether it's online or in-person, I hope to see you all again!

Finally, a big thanks to all the volunteers that helped make worlds an absolute blast. I'm extremely thankful to everyone that helped make it happen. Worlds has been an experience I won't forget. Hope to be there next year!

Btw you know what's better then a console that gives you a card every turn? A console that gives you 2 credits every turn...

15 Nov 2024 Nadia Whittemore

Wow, your analysis is awesome! The insights on using The Twinning in Spark lists are remarkable. I appreciate your post and the addictive gameplay of basket random.