The Sabotage Killer (1-3 @ New Years Showdown)

metrixgo 52

One day I just wondered, I need some charge cards to charge up my Dr. Nuka and Hippocampic while I need some decent killer to prevent sentry stacking (since Laamb+Begemot+Bankhar can only break 2). Also annoyed by the limit on Laamb "Once per turn", Orca comes to mind.

We have Retrieval Run to install Orca, Finality for game ending, and Hippocampic to give us hand size. I use Unity instead of Buzzsaw because I'm so annoyed by gatekeeper and some other high strength code gates. Turns out almost every deck uses 4+ strength code gates just to counter Buzzsaw.

Pretty neat, right? Unfortunately, I died 3 times to flatline. The decks I met were pretty fast and once they saw an Orca in the bin they immediately locked down Archives. I need lots of clicks to set up my full rig, but it counters the play style of Esâ. Sometimes Bankhar into Archives is just not worth it to install Orca. So I never, even in my win game, installed all my breakers. I didn't even use Hippocampic(only once, and right after it is PC and game over).

I believe Orca works well once you set up your rig. Using the correct plan, this deck can be potentially strong. It's just not perfect to be a competitive deck.