Swift Lat Post Banlist v1.0 (10th NY Showdown)

Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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None. Self-made deck here.
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tzeentchling 1628

I honestly think the demise of Lat in a post-Trick Shot world is a bit overdone, but there's no doubt that he doesn't have quite as much oomph as he used to. That said, the card slots opened up by the ban let me include my "card that is actually better than people think in Lat" pick, Burner. Sometimes it can mess with Lat draw, sometimes it can work with it when you play multiple cards from hand. Every time it landed I knocked away valuable cards - Mindscaping, End of the Line, Seamless Launch, Punitive Counterstrike. (Also there were a lot of kill decks at this tournament.) There were times when I did wish it was a bit more econ, yes, and these slots may change in the future.

The deck went 1-2 in swiss, though I had a winning line against @CobraBubbles's Azmari that I simply missed, tunneling on a Deep Dive play that saw two Degree Mill and no Reeducation when I was on 6 points with no board. I managed to win against @ant1's NEH deck by going slow, avoiding traps, and hitting agendas from the table - which I admit is at least somewhat up to luck. But still, being the only person to defeat him in the cut is a feather in the deck's cap! Unfortunately I lost to @AnOddRadish's Better Citizen Program-focused Azmari and was summarily KO'd from the cut.

What's next? More money, more pressure, especially for R&D. Maybe Jailbreak or The Maker’s Eye, or finding room for a Fermenter. You can pry the Inside Job from my cold, flatlined hands. Regardless, I am dedicated to making Swift Lat continue to work!