
OF15-15 551

I’m just a small-town girl,
livin’ in a lonely world.
I took the midnight train
going yodel-dee-ahhh.


This is the funny PD list I brewed with @TorpedoTyrus and piloted to the first place in Münster. It’s so much fun to play and often able to score out turn 5 or 6.


  1. Get a Wage Workers to stick or install it clickless
  2. play Biotic Labor
  3. [optional] play two more operations, one of which needs to give back a click
  4. IAAAA a Midnight-3 Arcology
  5. Draw up and get back a YDL or whatever you need, don’t worry about the discard
  6. Repeat until you can close out with Big Deal and Ikawah Project

Turns out repeatedly playing yodel for 11 is quite good, Spin is overrated and nobody plays Clot anyway. Thanks to everyone for playing and to @sciurus_vulgaris for organizing.