One core deck, please review

Nhisoyr 4

This is a deck i built with only one core set. I'm new to netrunner and would really appreciate some help to improve the deck. Thanks.

29 Dec 2014 dmipgoz

Dont really like that build. You need more draw, then take diesel You need more RND pressure then take maker eye And where you get so much memory ? with only one desperado and one djinn ? Prefer to discard dat yog for cordian blade also.

29 Dec 2014 Rykr

Welcome to Netrunner! Overall, this deck looks fairly solid and well thought out. The biggest problems I see with it are the 9-12 MU of programs with only ~8MU available from your console + Djinn. Since you have only one copy of Desperado and Djinn you are probably going to be drawing a lot of your other 15 programs (1/3 of your deck) and not have the MU to play them!! Keep in mind that you cannot host Parasite's MU cost on Djinn since it needs to be hosted on another piece of ICE and your MU problems increase even more. I'd recommend thinning out your breaker suite to just the essentials (-3 Crypsis, -1 Mimic) and dropping 2 Datasucker and either removing Djinn or adding one to two more copies of him. This would free up 6 deck slots and 5 influence if you got rid of Djinn or only 3 slots and leave you at 16 influence if you kept him.

Playing as Gabe, I've never found money to be too much of a problem. Because of that, I might consider removing Stimhack if you want to keep 3 Djinns, though the burst of money can make a huge difference and score agendas or trash assets when the Corp feels safe. Unless you really like Lemuria Codecracker, I would probably remove that one as well, mainly because I haven't ever felt the need to use it.

If you remove the above mentioned cards plus Djinn and Stimhack I'd recommend adding 3 Diesels. I love this card because if you have a strong economy (which it looks like you do) it allows you to get all of the cards you want to play MUCH quicker than just by clicking for them. If you don't want Diesel, another strong Shaper card is The Maker's Eye.

The only in-faction card that I would add would be another Crash Space. If the people you play with will allow it, I'd "proxy" (use a stand-in card) two more Desperados because that console is great. If you are worried about the tags from Account Siphon maybe throw in some Decoys.

Let me know if any of these suggestions helped you and enjoy the game!

29 Dec 2014 Nhisoyr

I removed everything you said but i don't know what i should replace them with apart from diesel. Taking out Djinn, Datasucker, stinhack, Crypsis, Lemuria and Mimic and adding 3 diesels i'm left with 39 cards and 15 influence. What should I add knowing i only have one core and i don't think they will tag me that much?

29 Dec 2014 Nhisoyr

And thank you very much for your help!

29 Dec 2014 Nhisoyr

Ok, I "added" 2 Desperados, added 2 Crypsis back, another crash space and 1 ninja. I found those to be the best choices in my limited pool of cards. What do you think?

30 Dec 2014 Watzlav

I currently run a similar deck with following differencies.

-1 Djinn, -2 Parasite, +2 Maker's Eye, +1 Déjá vu I would also proxy Desperado instead of Codecracker, if your play group allows.

Maker's Eye is invaluable for R&D pressure which you sorely lack. Déjá Vu is faux second Parasite/third Account Siphon/or program destruction bail.

I have to disagree with others that MU is an issue. It's just a choise of whether you run Sneakdoor or Parasite+Datasucker. but I must second to others in saying Diesel is also very solid option.

30 Dec 2014 Rykr

I think that Ninja, Crypsis and Crash Space are all good choices, as long as you are willing to install over Crypsis as your breakers come up. If you want to proxy another card, Account Siphon is very strong and could replace one of the Crypsis'. The cheaper tag removal with Crash Space will save you a handful of credits throughout the game, equivalent to one or two Sure Gamble's and could save your life from a Wayland Scorched Earth deck. Have you play tested it yet?

30 Dec 2014 Nhisoyr

Yes, I did! Too bad i can't edit the deck here. I did exactly what i said in my other comment, so the one i'm running is that one - (1 Djinn, 2 Datasucker,1 Stimhack, 1 Crypsis,1 Lemuria and 1 Mimic) and + (3 diesels, 2 Desperados, 1 crash space and 1 ninja). The game felt really nice to play, always had credits and could always make a run somewhere. The only problem (which i'm not familiar enough to know how big it is) was that i didn't have much MU so i had to choose carefully what programs i wanted to run. I don't know if you understood how my deck looks like now, but if you did, any ideas on how to improve it?

30 Dec 2014 Nhisoyr

Watzlav, would you consider maker's eye a must?

2 Jan 2015 Watzlav

I'm not gonna say it's necessity, instead I'm going to explain why I kept Maker's Eye instead of Diesel, when making room for Parasite+Déjá Vu.

Gabriel puts lot of pressure on HQ thanks to his ability and with Sneakdoor he does the same with Archives. While most of ice goes on those servers, R&D is very vulnerable and Maker's Eye is the way to leverage that.

To sum it up, Diesel grants consistency, while Maker's Eye gives you flexibility. I chose the latter, but I don't think either is better or worse. For the same reason I've chosen Déjá Vu instead of second Parasite.