Economic Warfare: Gonna take that money!

Criminal1337 8

The idea with this deck is to always keep HQ free/breakable and thereby wage an economic war against the corp. Emergency Shutdown and PAN-Weave together with Zahyas ability keep a steady flow of cash while the corp is losing money.

Additionally I wanted a really cheap breaker suite and thought "Man, installing and paying for 3 icebreakers is too slow and expensive" which is why I looked for an AI. Matryoshka fits in perfectly. The corp usually cannot afford to have more than one piece of ice in front of HQ early, as otherwise R&D or the scoring remote would be open for access.

Early game, you only need to break one piece of ice which you can break for free with Cezve. Later in the game you have more Matryoshkas and an Alarm Clock helping you reach HQ. Chisel is for the weak, cheap ice, whereas Forged Activation Orders and En Passant is for the powerful, expensive stuff.

Cool trick: You can run HQ, then Emergency Shutdown the ice in HQ and then remove it with En Passant to keep HQ ice free.

This unexpectedly won my very first tournament :)