Resourceful Adam

samhevrin 1

Great early pressure being able to click through most cheap ice. Econ will be very low early game, relying heavily on drip, but all cards are cheap to play (most expensive is 4c). Supplier (or Hostage) early is ideal, look to mulligan into one if possible. Aim for free draw with Safety First at all times. After a score, Brain Chip turns on and you should be getting a free draw every turn without problem due to increased hand size and the cheap cost of all cards. Overmind is really only powerful mid to late game with e3 and the increased MU from Brain Chip. Use your ability to click through a subroutine, then e3 the rest of the ice along with Overmind's universal breaking ability to ideally get an access every turn. NACH and Wireless Net Pavilion are included to prevent flatlines or resource destruction.

Let me know what you think! I really enjoyed making this deck as it was a fun departure from "normal" runners.

5 Nov 2015 raikhan

I'd suggest Uninstall over Clone Chip. Your only programs are Overminds, which you really don't want to be discarding. That means that the only way to get one of them to the heap so you can use Clone Chip is to install another over it. Uninstall will recharge your Overmind without any of those acrobatics and save you 4 influence which Adam: Compulsive Hacker really needs.

5 Nov 2015 mmc31

Really like the interaction of dr. lovegood with new angeles. A great target on your turn for switching off it trashing itself. The only problem I see this deck having is The All-Seeing I. What is the Wireless Net Pavilion really doing for you if you are trying to avoid tags in the first place? Also, i'm underwhelmed by earthrise out of adam, since it is effectively going to stop Safety First from triggering. I'm also underwhelmed by Kati Jones out of adam, since if you use Always Be Running, you have only 1 click left - if you click kati all the time, you won't be able to do anything else! If you don't click her often enough, she doesn't really become worth it.

I have been loving the supplier though. I just 3x'd the supplier instead of doing any hostages.

I made a list here if you want to get some ideas... My other favorite card to see in my opening hand is Brain Cage. Turns on Safety First immediately for that free drip draw.

5 Nov 2015 samhevrin

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely agree with both of you. When playing I found the Clone Chips to not be particularly useful and was thinking about swapping them out. Along with Wireless Net Pavilion, they were included mostly as safety nets. Uninstall is an interesting choice and would free up influence. Brain Cage sounds like a solid addition, but how about Public Sympathy instead? It gets the full discount from The Supplier and doesn't risk the Brain Damage pulling something important. I think I'll try Public Sympathy first to see how that works.

I've ended up dropping Kati, Masanori, both Clone Chips, Emergency Shutdown, and both Earthrise Hotel. I added a second Employee Strike, a third Hostage, a Film Critic, and 3x Public Sympathy. I'll run this a few times and look into possibly replacing the Wireless Net Pavilion.