Indiana Jones and the Mumba Temple(2nd, Uncles Bellevue SC)

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podoboyz99 2370

Gagarin Deep Space is the next best deck.

That doesn't mean you should take apart your HB: ETF deck and sleeve up this monster and wreck shop at your next local SC, or just hit up and go 10-0. This deck is difficult to play, but it is very, very strong.

I piloted Indiana Jones to 2nd Place at the Uncles Games Bellevue Store Championship on 2/27/16. I played alongside my Apoc Kate deck. I really wanted to play something fun, and both my decks fulfilled that role. I won't bore you with the concept of the original card choices, you can find that from @CJFM’s list (found in the “derived from” section”). However, I will explain some of my card choices.

Datapike: Better than Enigma because the click loss isn't that good on facecheck, and some runners like to get cheeky and run last click to save a credit.

Corporate Troubleshooter: A neat one of that you can grab with DBS against shaper to break remote lock.

Hadrians Wall: The second one really helps verses anarch and I always felt like I needed one more ice.

Suggested Changes: I would cut the Lizzie Mills for a card that is more universal. The deck needs a bit more shaper tech, but I’m not really sure what to put in. Other than that, the deck is very well tuned, but not optimized fully yet.

The day of: This deck went 2-2 in the swiss, beating a Nexus Kate with Shrike and a RepliKate deck, losing to @CJFM playing Calimsha’s Hyperdriver Kate and an odd MaxX deck piloted by @Clamatius. In the cut, after my runner beat a flooded ETF, I dismantled a Faust Kit piloted by @pandapersona (list can be found here). @CJFM, the original creator of this archetype, beat my Apoc Kate deck in the finals, and he skillfully piloted his Hyperdriver Kate to a win in the grand finals.

Big thanks to everyone I played and being a good sport when i would spend half the game shuffling my deck. Thanks to Kody for organizing the event, and Uncles Games for hosting. Congratulations to @CJFM for creating the Gagarin deck, and taking the whole thing. But most of all, thanks to the Seattle meta, where there were 5 Gagarin players at this event and 0 NEH.

29 Feb 2016 CJFM

@podoboyz99 Thanks for some really memorable games. And glad that we had unlimited time for those finals... sheesh :D

This deck archetype is real, and naysayers need to get out of their ivory towers, because we're waaay higher up, up here in space.

29 Feb 2016 dtelad11

Gogo Gagarin!!

2 Mar 2016 Myriad

I like the Troubleshooter include.

I think I will take this - Mills and +1 Willow.

Or something else if Willow proves lackluster.

2 Mar 2016 dtelad11

@Myriad why Willow?

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