Max's little Darwin

nottheonlysaint 28

MaxX is Maxed Out.

The punk's goal is to beef up a Darwin nightmare and burn through "The Man's" R&D and HQ. With her attitude, she can't hold a job, thus, a drip income is the only way her budget doesn't fall flat at the end of the month. [And a few side bets never hurt.] Moreover, no card draw for a woman who can burn through a stack of trash like nothing, and if Darwin's pet was to fall victim to her bipolar trash/draw, she has a few tricks to correct the havoc.

50 cards give you about 15 turns before Maxi runs completely out of cards. If most games are 13-16 you should be solid.

Added Bonus: Quest Completed and Notoriety. High risk; high reward. A challenge, a blessing, and playing it provides exactly the same feeling little Maxine, over here, had when she played her first Legend of Zelda game; Knowledge, Power, and Courage.

27 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

I don't think Darwin is a good idea Max is a short game gal and Darwin is more of a long game program it can take a few turns before it's up to breaking ice. it strikes me Crypsis or Overmind are better fit's in this deck overmind more so cos its cheaper and you have E3's in already.

27 Dec 2014 nottheonlysaint

Max is a product of fast advance, a child of the quick game. The Meta raised her to believe that if you don't play fast you wont be able to live in San San or that Biotic Labor will replace her at her job. However this punk does what the f- she feels like cause society can't change her punk rock vibe! Unlike Overmind or Crypsis, Darwin, Kati Jones, and Hard at Work are in way after Maxine is done with her stack. I'm turning this short term card into a long term monster. It's a deck with heavy cash flow, so in theory within 6 turns you could be able to access all cards in HQ, access 5 cards in R&D, keep the corp honest with a archives run and then score Notoriety.

I really appreciate the feedback, and this deck was made to be tailored to the individual but it was also made to break the mold and really only for casual play. Because sometimes it's nice to say "F- you, MotherF-!"

27 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@nottheonlysaint Thing is you won't access tho's cards as a corp all id do is get some High ish Str ice resed and keep wiping virus counters your gonna run out of deck and when that happens your dead in the water. Hell as long as your a more patient corp player you can wipe and easily set-up scoring windows against this deck a Wall of Static will do and Wraparound would ruin your plan big time.

I do agree with the higher deck size id go higher my self 5 extra cards buys you 1-2 turns extra so your games only got 15 turns till your decked and theirs no LALA and you got to wait 2 turns for Darwin to even hit 3 counters with grim down.

If your gonna run Darwin you need something else with it even Parasite would help lowering the str down to meet Darwin half way. Don't get me wrong i like the idea i just get it working is all.