The Michael Jordan of Psi Games - 1st GLC Finals / 2nd ChiLo

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ekayohlee 1451

I brought this deck to Chicago's Netrunner weekend extravaganza, with the ChiLo City Grudge Match / Great Lakes Circuit Last Chance Qualifiers (an ANR Pro Circuit event) on Saturday, and the GLC finals on Sunday. It went into ChiLo's Top 8 as the top seed (44 players), eventually taking 2nd place. At the GLC finals (24 players), the deck went into the Top 4 as the fourth seed, going undefeated and winning me $500 -- paired with my Detroit winnings, I'm pretty sure this makes me the highest-paid pro Netrunner player :P

The deck's record for the entire weekend was 11-3, with each loss to a notable regional winner (Aaron Andries, Spags, Josh Wilson). It's not that far off from the list that won Detroit's regional and Top 3'd Chicago's regional, with adjustments made to adapt as the meta evolves. I don't think I want to leave the Ichi in. Though Viper does a lot of work against Faust (decent against Gordian Blade too), it will probably be swapped for Global Food Initiative. I'll take out Hades Fragment for that switch too since you almost always lose the game when that agenda is stolen, but it saved me from being milled out against Valencia with the fuck boy starter pack last weekend.

This isn't the most consistent or safe RP list. My plan is to get a little money, lightly protect centrals, drop an ICE and Caprice, then start scoring. Fast track helps the Nisei train get going or keep going. You have to be great at Psi games to win with this! Really, it's difficult on the corp side to be bad at Psi games considering you're almost always favored to win them. This deck happens to just force a lot of them, particularly game-winning Psi bets.

I lost in ChiLo's finals because Spags figured me out and out-Psi'd me twice in a row -- hey, Jordan had trouble with the Pistons, too. Josh (widely known as the Kobe Bryant of Psi games, after patterning his style after mine) made fun of me all weekend for getting exposed, so I came back the next day to GLC's finals with an evolved game, went hard in the paint, and swept the series/cut. And by evolving my game, I mean I bet two every time lol.

Tremendous thanks to everyone who helped organize the absolutely stellar ChiLo and GLC events, along with everyone who ran and participated in ANRPC tournaments. Big ups to the generous folks who made/brought special prizes to share with the community (Tony Sarkees, Jack Otto, Joseph Man). Congrats to our new ChiLo champion Spags.

22 Sep 2015 josh01

in case anyone could not tell, winning a tournament has gone to Eric's head, causing him to misread the latest article in the New York Times declaring me the Michael Jordan of psi games and him the Kobe Bryant of psi games. this is understandable, as it is the first tournament Eric has made the cut at since the Chicago Regional, which was won by His Psiness himself

22 Sep 2015 stoppableforce

@josh01 people always say the money won't change them. We know better. ;)

good job @ekayohlee. This deck looks disgusting to play against. Looking forward to a repeat performance at worlds.

27 Sep 2015 kookoobah

What are your feelings about Film Critic and playing RP?

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