Turning Up the Volume (1-2 at Naarm Post-Worlds Showdown CO)

Jinteki Personal Evolution

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Rebellion Without Rehearsal
2024 Circuit Openers
Agenda (13)
Asset (17)
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2x Data Loop ●●●●
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swankyjimjams 10

A slight variation DeeR's Worlds list that I took to our recent CO in Naarm/Melbourne. I didn't get any reps with the deck beforehand and it definitely resulted in mistakes, missing a potential Fujii kill opportunity on one Swift Lat, and failing to knock both Deep Dives out of hand with net damage in another case because I was too focused on charging up a Prana Condenser.

I subbed in Malia Z0L0K4 for the Crisium Grid because its cheaper and could potentially switch off a Stoneship Chartroom, DJ Fenris or Wheels, but I don't think it made any difference on the day and sticking with the Crisium is probably better.

I lost to 2 Swift Lats and won against an Alice Merchant. All the games had really exciting moments and I'm looking forward to playing more Loud PE!

12 Nov 2024 Joshua236

very good article retro bowl college