Hardware Kaplan: Universal Installs

byjarke 151

This was supposed to be a deck around my favorite card, Reaver but it’s become a Spy Cam Hailey with hardware to feed their Reavershop and Tech Writers. Although there’s not much card draw, your deck thins out pretty swiftly and you can rearrange things around, so you’re fine most of the time.

Strategy is to get set up ASAP and then swim in money and go over the deck twice at least while you break into their servers. I recently added Clot because FA gave me trouble, but if in your opening hand you have spy cam and replicator, you will soon be fully spread.


MVP: Spy Cam is great: they install in 6s (which can revert in 6-18 credits on your Writers if you’re set up), they can rearrange your top of the deck AND you can trash them on the other player’s turn to see RD and draw for Reaver (yes, right before you draw again for Reavershop at the beginning of yours). There’s so many things I’ve done thanks to this card that I would not cut down to 5 and made space for it. Don’t you love it when you see no agenda with your cam, but you run anyways because they have jackson and they pop it to prevent you from stealing that “agenda”? Instant Classic.

Bookmark: at first it was included for being shaper, hardware and install 0. How could I be so blind? Save some goodies before Levying, save Levy’s from Jinteki, save yourself from damage -against Weyland I tend to keep three cards there ready to jump to my hand (+1 for Reaver) as my only protection... and it works. It can also be trashed “empty” during the Corp’s turn for draw with Reaver, so it’s a win win win.

The rest of hardware is for install 0. Top Hat is not the best multiaccess, but with spy cam you can avoid the first if it’s not interesting, and with Beth you can dig to 5 in a turn. Q-Coherence chip is there... because it’s CHEAP. It trashes with SMC (so sometimes you can do that before you first Levy as a means of trashing all of them to be reshuffled and feed the Writers), and it gave me the idea of adding Overmind as an AI, because you can get it with 4-7 counters then pawn it.

The rest is pretty standard. One-offs because you cycle fast through your deck, and they install well (and come back if trashed). Astrolabe for draw and cheap install (and even pawned and Moosed sometimes when it goes on for too long). Remember that no card is useless, even the 3xBazaar has an important place in your heart when you realize that the second and third copies can be installed (for 1 click 2 creds with Hayley) and can be Aesopped and Moosed for 5 creds each+2draws.

Fun to play and people find it fun to play against :)