Turtlebacks NEH - 1st at Games of Berkeley SC, VS Games SC

MattHT 84

This deck was 15-2 across both tournaments. This deck offers your opponent two choices - to trash all of the assets and end up completely poor, or to leave them and let you have a ton of credits. If they trash all the assets, then you get ahead each time because you are still drawing cards and making money from the operations, and they are spending clicks and credits trashing cards. If they don't trash the assets, then you rez the Tollbooths to keep them out of R&D and HQ. In either case, you slow the game down until you can start using Daily Business Show to find your Astroscipts and then score out quickly.

24 Mar 2015 IonFox

Looks pretty awesome. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on why MHC, and why you chose to not use diversified portfolio?

24 Mar 2015 hhooo

MHC is clearly there for the sweeps week synergy. It's really easy to squeeze a few extra creds out of an MHC/sweeps against people with Earthrise/QT/Astrolabe. Perfectly reasonable call in here.

24 Mar 2015 poorhaus

Thanks for posting. You took down some great players with this deck.

Have you encountered Imp recursion? That's a powerful card that sees a decent amount of play. Any other Achilles heels?

25 Mar 2015 Heartthrob

MHC is one of my favorite NEH cards. The ability to get them started for free is awesome, especially when you go down to 0 after a San San Astro and have a Sweeps in hand.

25 Mar 2015 MattHT

@IonFoxIn addition to what @hhooosaid about MHC, it's also just a good card on it's own -- it's PAD Campaigns 4 and 5, and it's actually better than PAD Campaign because it's free to rez. If I could play more PAD campaigns, I probably would and would move the influence to playing difference ICE.

@poorhausI didn't see very many Imps, but I have played against Wizard three times with the deck, which is a similar situation. I won two of those and lost one. Basically what happens is that you trade clicks with them, since you get to draw a card to replace the one you played. Scoring the first Astro is the hardest part, and you have to rely on drawing some operation economy as well.

25 Mar 2015 unitled

Congrats on your win!

I've been running a Turtlebacks deck for a while now (link: netrunnerdb.com,) I've just experimented adding the Grail suite of ice to it with a fair amount of success. Turtlebacks is SUCH an underrated card, and the synergies with it in this deck are fantastic (though I prefer Licence Acquisition over Breaking News ALL DAY ;) ).

It really puts your opponent in a difficult position... They need to do several things to make sure you don't win. First is to trash assets as you install as if you get several DBS or drip econ pieces up and running, you're just away to victory (plus you can sneak out naked agendas). Second is to pressure RnD so you can't topdeck Astros into one another and rush out early agendas. Last (in my version) is to fetch breakers so you don't lose your rig (or your life) to careless Grail facechecking.

Typically, the runner can only do one of this bunch of things. Imp recursion is nasty, but I've done surprisingly well against Whizzard (Grail is pretty good against Anarch usually). Even decks packing Paricia don't pose too much of a threat.

Things I've found hurt me: Stacking bad pub, Magnum Opus (Shaper in general with program tutoring), early agenda leaking from RnD. That's... about it. Not tested against super aggressive MaxX, though...

27 Mar 2015 ArchmageBB

MHT Playing at netrunner at swccg worlds turns in to a SC in netrunner. Congrats. What do you think of some exec bootcamps. They trigger turtlebacks, allow you to trigger turtlebacks againand search for your assets including turtlebacks.

30 Mar 2015 Exelauno

I took a slightly modified version of this to my local store champs today, and it was a monster. There was a point most games where the Runner player figures out what you're doing, but it's very hard to stop got at that point, which was great!

I tinkered with the ice mix a little, but the biggest changes I made were replacing the Hedge Funds with Diversified Portfolios and replacing the Breaking New with License Acquisition. I was very happy with Diversified and didn't miss the Hedge Funds at all. I really like their ability to take you from nothing to having a substantial amount of money.

License Acquisition was another matter. It's cute, but wholly unnecessary. I didn't make top 8, but went 4-1 with this deck during Swiss. My 1 loss with the deck was on 6 points with no fast advancing tricks and this in my hand. The Runner (Valencia) then double Blackmailed R&D to steal 4 points for the win. Had this been a Breaking News, I could have scored it out of hand for the win beforehand.

Oh well...great deck regardless!

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