Kontrol Kit

enkoder 1106

This is deck that BinkBonkle and I took to APAC. We both bubbled and needed one more win to make the cut. While our combined record isn't stellar at 6-6, this isn't reflective of the power of the lists. I made several piloting errors over the tourney that cost me games. I still love this deck and would have brought it again. I'd just change the tournament start time and maybe the pilot :P

Going into this tournament I knew I wanted to play shaper as it's my happy place. After seeing Sokka's "boring" Lat list, I was really interested in the ideas behind it. The breaker suite is super unique in that you can overclock any remote w/ an SMC and not need K2CP support. In my opinion this is what made the list so cool and unique. You can actually challenge sentries early and you can handle the big stuff late game. His deck makes some tradeoffs against a long term engine to be able to have flexibility early, mid, and late game. His list certainly got my wheels turning.

i just want to be like dad

Lobisomem enables similar outcomes where you can challenge any remote (once installed), but Spark can be clunky and introduces some more tradeoffs when only running two breakers in your whole deck. When a Spark deck highrolls in the right matchup, it hits so hard, but it can also lowroll and have pretty awkward draws or brutal matchups.

I went out on a quest to see if I could blend the two decks and this is what I came up with. The most common way to install Lobi is via Simulchip + Overclock or Trick Shot. I'm playing two Fermenter because you want to see it as early as possible so you can click it before your run event. This might seem too "wombo", but you'd be surprised how often this happens. You can always hard-cast or SMC for the wolf if you need to and the deck is rich enough that this is often the right line instead of waiting for Simulchip value.

Some notables on card choices going into this meta. I had a feeling we'd see a lot of PD since the late game engine of WT Ari would move more corps in the rush direction.

  • Ika & Propeller - When the corp's general plan is to rush out, Propeller is great for contesting T1/2 rashidas and agendas. Ika is there for your stacked sentries and generally sits on an Anansi or inner drafter. Cheap and effective though.
  • Originally this list was on DJ Fenris, but I didn't want to loose to PD/Asa, so second Pinhole Threading goes in. Also it's a dead draw early while setting up and we can't have dead draws vs rush lists.
  • Originally I was on Clot, but made the call that sports and FA was largely hated out by other shapers, so second Fermenter goes in. You could easily slot it if you're expecting FA though.
  • Cupellation is required card in shaper w/ Simulchip. Don't leave home w/o it.
  • No Stoneship Chart Room, this was a tough call as fartroom is such a good call for control shaper. It ultimately came down to wanting more draw density and w/o Lat draw dripping cards, I needed as much burst as I could get.
  • Burner originally I was just on 1x DD like Sokka's list, but w/o chartroom, I felt that it was important for the kill matchups to slot it. Could have been huge in my game vs Santa, but didn't live long enough for it to be relevant.
  • No Cataloguer - never really felt like I needed it, but it could easily go in if you'd like. Remember though, this is a control list and your goal isn't to win, it's not let the corp win.
  • 3x Telework Contract - originally I had Dirty Laundry's, but BinkBonkle had some great observations that DL is often played for just 3c. Telework is great for asset matchups and once you start locking down the remote. Don't be afraid to pitch these if you don't have time for them.

Hope you all enjoy!

18 Jun 2024 koga

I had found stoneshit as a name, but add fartroom next to it...

18 Jun 2024 Fridan

This list got me all excited when I saw it on stream. Having played a lot of Spark/Lobi/Orca recently I feel like this solves a lot of the problems that deck has (Hi SDS). This feels like playing Shaper again but with the raw power of Lobi in Kit. I personally ended up on cataloguer because control is hard and I like a rigging up or two. Either way: sick deck.

19 Jun 2024 BinkBonkle

Such a fun deck! I need to improve my play to really show it off

19 Jun 2024 pj20
