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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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An update to an old list I published. This thing is solidly tier 3. Its a taxer in the style of the old red coats decks. I've gone in harder on multi sub ice and picked pieces that work a bit better considering the meta.
Caduceus over architect because you're not really looking to install extra stuff; you are looking for a credit swing and for something with an ETR; so this deck prefers the money snake. Ichi to pressure mimic and tax clicks.
Next package for late game midway issues. Bronze should be used as a gear check; silver a taxer. I prefer to rez these later in the game; They're vulnerable to parasite, but if you can clear out a bunch of those parasite installs they gain value.
Viktor is of course a good taxer against most code gate breakers and normally serves to turn on eli. The barriers are the standard suite.
Now, econ is there mostly to give you a chance with ash. Most people will think you're running midseasons because that's what CB tends to do with its extra influence. Plan's far more honest than that. Get ash and midway in your scoring remote, click away on melange for a while. Score out and win. (If you're competitive you'll switch out something for jacksons; I recommend playing without them first to see what you like least of your foreign imports. It honestly might be sweeps)
IT Department is sort of the trump card. Its a must run. After you've installed enough face downs, the runner's going to stop checking, especially if they've paid through the nose. A turn of clicking on this ought to really pull them into the server for the biggest tax you can make. You actually want them to trash it, though. You don't want to stretch ice across a potential 5 servers, especially with bronze as you're only hard ETR. It'll still work paired with multiple bioroids. Just use it to milk money out of the runner.
Against siphon decks, you wait to rez your asset econ until they're siphoning you. Against keyhole decks, you're trying to gear check and make it expensive. Midway on R&D will help so that they can't do it over and over again, but you'll probably lose that match up. Shapers you need to be aware of D4v1d & Lady, though only 5 ice in the deck can be hit by D4v1d, so maybe you don't care.
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