Perfecting it Off and On Again

gumonshoe 2987

IT - Replicating Perfection. At some point the tax shifts over and they just can't afford to get into your IT server and trash it, and your econ, and get in. At that point you win.

Bioroid barriers are good for making a horid server. Sentries are good for the IT lock. Enigma tends to be for the scoring remote since there's no other reason to play a code gate breaker, though I'll use it anywhere.

It plays like a normal RP shell, but there's a little more threat when a rig's at stake.

I'm not sure where Nisei is best placed, it seems to matter on the game. Typically its either HQ or the IT server. Definitely IT once you've got the ice out for the lock. Priority for IT lock is to get to 7 tokens and then inch your way up to about 12. Anything over that tends to be superfluous.

Deck is good. Watch out for emergency shutdowns & parasite. Archer's should be used as a last resort and only if they blow up a good portion of rig. Markus should be held onto for the outside of a central, if at all possible.

Clone/NAPD seems risky, but rarely is. Enjoy.

3 Jan 2015 Jashay

Yeah, Parasite must be your bane. What level of power counter do you need to get to before the runner has to worry, though? I mean, you'd need three counters on the IT department, and then to spend two of them, to get Rototurret out of the range of Mimic. You'd need six counters (and again, to spend two of them) to get Komainu out of Deus X range. (Archer is, of course, still a beast, but he barely needs ITD)

I'm very interested to see what ITD does to the meta, but my initial thought is that it takes a bit too long to set up.

4 Jan 2015 gumonshoe

2 counters does get roto to where it needs to, be. Often the next turn gets it up to 4 counters. At that point, I usually get a window where the runner has to recover. Getting to 7 from there is only a turn or two.

It's a lot of time, but for a complete lock it is usually worth it.

5 Jan 2015 am_percival

Wondering if there's room for Enhanced Login Protocol in the deck?-or is that just a win more card once you have IT Department setup?

6 Jan 2015 gumonshoe

There honestly might be space. This was a first draft, but it performed very well for me so I decided to just share. You can get 3 influence by turning Archer into a roto turret and dropping the other. Then you can go up to 3 NAPDs. The lack of archer does remove some of your ability to really wreck a rig (but I'd probably go for jackson over ELP).

If you want ELP you probably have to reconsider the value of markus/eli.

Strictly speaking, for an IT deck, you want IT and some ice that benefits having it. You could easily do

3x Jackson *** 3x Eli/Markus *** 3x IT *** 2x Roto ** 2x ELP ****

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