Oxford PE goes to Bristol

hemraa 224

Three of us from Oxford decided to take PE to SW Regionals going 9-3 over the day, this is the real list.

I'm Oxford PE

This deck got me to 6th at Sw Regionals in Bristol.

This is an iteration on @Testrunning s asset PE. As stated there, this deck aims to keep installing cards until the runner can't keep up and dies.

How to Play

Turn 1 install 3 new remotes, go. Maybe add a Wage Worker install and rez if you have it. Get cards on the table, that is where your econ and draw comes from. Keep getting cards down, get more cards down than the runner can trash or check, every card is useful, so whatever the runner leaves can push you forward or be useful later on. Reaper Function, Bladderwort and agendas can all contribute to the final kill so get them out there hidden among your facedowns. False Lead and House of Knives are usually the only agendas you want to score before a kill turn, they put pressure on the runner and False Lead in particular opens up a lot of kill potential and lines that are harder for the runner to see. Put ice down only when you need it to defend key assets or if you can get a rezzed Front Company with ice on HQ and R&D, if the runner is keeping up with your remotes, then they may not be ready for the sudden shift to needing breakers. Bring Them Home can slow down a runner aggressively trashing your cards, or act as part of a kill combo if you have 1 or 2 False Leads scored.


- 2 VSA - 2 Phoneutria, + 1 Gatekeeper + 1 Enigma, + 2 Saisentan

Cheap etr code gates with a decent facecheck are really useful, and can often surprise the runner with a good side value of card draw or click loss. Saisentan is also nasty to facecheck and can keep an unprepared runner at bay.

- 2 Mindscaping - 2 Daniela Jorge Inácio + 2 Prāna Condenser + 2 The Powers That Be

Prana is there primarily for credits and to bait the runner into running it over more valuable targets, it also has value against Steelskin and runners that overdraw before running. The Powers That Be helps to develop your board on the turns you are scoring and is another asset that the runner wants to trash.

Final Thoughts

This is a potent deck that can get kills and often offers up a fun puzzle for you to solve to find that kill, it has lots of moving pieces and does more than just hope the runner guesses the right card to run or not run.

I also want to shout out Baa Ram Wu, Sixtyten, and Nicky 3.0 for running a great event, and to the Oxford Meta for being a great group to play and travel with.