Lob Kiddo ([Startup] - 1st Katowice CO)

Veti 8

This is a deck after many changes so please be pacient in reading this. Thanks.

I happily achive 4-1-0 on our local Startup tournament. After some games I thing Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist could be better than Rielle “Kit” Peddler: Transhuman in some aspects but here I am. Here is special thanks to Hermes because this card wins me a lot of BTL games.

Burner and Jailbreak for any HQ pressure. Just before tournament I added +1 Docklands Pass -1 Jailbreak for better HQ control in lategame.

First Muse should be for Carmen so we have virtual 3 Killers and 5 Lobisomem. Later after testing in our online league I decided to change Muse for Test Run. TR is an event so good for us, cant be destroyed by a Hammer and if I have like 8 credits and my opposing, beautiful BTL threating me with 6xadvanced Clearinghouse I have ability to do something more than just a handshake. Also you won't see Carmen in final version of a deck because I needed influence for Docklands Pass and change her for Echelon.

Economy is based on Prepaid VoicePAD and 9 economy events (Creative Commission, Sure Gamble and Dirty Laundry cards) plus Trick Shot and Overclock as economical run based cards. After this deck is empty it is easy refilled with Ashen Epilogue (I did it few times so my inner necromancer is happy).

About a RnD pressure: In first version I running on playset of Cataloguer and 2x Trick Shot but thinking about change some junky hardware for The Maker’s Eye after many, many poor performances of Cataloguer. ME is an event so with Prepaid VoicePAD coult be better. Also Spin Doctor easily counter Cataloguer. But if I will use The Maker’s Eye I cant use credits from Overclock or Trick Shot in the same time to break ices. Also playing agains some Jinteki corp ME could be lethal fo me and I hate Adrian Seis on RnD with this kind of RnD lock runs. Nonetheless I stayed on this rigged numbers of cards and have to admit that precise usage of Cataloguer saved this hardware in my personal ranking.

After all this tangled sentences and ideas from above you will probably ask why the fuc* I played on 47 cards.... Well I would like to defend myself with basic math: diffrence in drawing our most precious card - Lobisomem - or some wanna be Lob like Test Run is 45% to 46% before mulligan or 72% to 73% in comparision of 45 to 47 cards deck. But to be honest the reason is that I'm really bad in playing agains some Jinteki: Personal Evolution and A Teia: IP Recovery shinenigans and I like to secure myself with a pair of AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.) :)