The iron curtain v1.0

megamaster 48

Pretty straightforward uncorrodable-stylish deck. Utilizing the runners´s fear of what a GRNDL-turbo-econ deck can do, this deck uses it´s startingadvantage of 10 creds to set up quickly, destroy or scare away the runners barrier-breakers via Power Shutdown and Will-o'-the-Wisp while the runner is busy digging for plascretes and generating creds to avoid a possible flatline via SEA Source and double Scorched Earth.

Since the scorch threat is non-existant in this deck it is vital to keep your wits about you. Guard HQ during setup with big, oversighted Curtain Walls and Hadrian's Walls to deny or to make an access extremly taxing (which the runner might want to avoid due to potentialy losing a Trace and ending up carbonized).

Protect RnD lightly with Paper Walls and Ice Walls and make him fetch his barrier breakers and then you deal with them ´´uncorrodable-style´´. Set up a lightly fortified scoringserver and drop Off the Grid. Since HQ should be more or less impenetrable without proper barrierbreakers therefor you should now be able to score with impunity, laughing as the runner realizes that digging for a plascrete and setting up a proper rig and gaining a fair amount of creds proved him useless in the end. Again this deck is about bluffing the runner into thinking you want to generate credits to rez the big ice and/or kill him with scorch which should cause him to slow down and give you the time needed to fortify and prepare.

If he doesn´t, use your early game funds and punish him via Punitive Counterstrike and keep the scorchbluff alive. Hence respect is not enough, fear is key.

card choices:

Flare: Mainly included to support the scorchbluff since it might just destroy plascretes, interfaces and other annoyances (plus a little unavoidable meatdamge is always nice). It should force the runner to get an adequat sentry breaker which won´t do any good besides breaking Flare´s trace.

Chimera: Acting as a wildcard, chimera again forces a full fledged rig which in return buys you time. After the runners barrierbreakers are dealt with it becomes just another barrier.

Crisium Grid: Meant to further tax a runner who overcomes anti-corroder-meassures. Should go on archives or RnD to deny easy security-testing, desperado or dirty-laundry creds and datasucker tokens. Plus you can make the runner think of it as another Will-o'-the-Wisp and hence slow him down additionaly.

Please comment if anything seems off or is missing and (especially since I am fairly new to the game) honest critique is always apriciated.

23 Mar 2015 spore

Looks really interesting and like a bold attempt. I like the Crisium Grid + Off the Grid combo. Did you experience any trouble with Runners, who tried to keep your credits low, since most of your assets, upgrades and ICE look very expensive?

11 Apr 2015 megamaster

I´ve built a version of this some time ago where I replaced 1 Government Contracts with 2 Hostile Takeover and 1 Profiteering. If the deck is doing what it is supposed to do, namely taking out barrierbreakers, then bad pub will be of no avial to the runner. (1 Paper Wall and 1 Ice Wall were cut)