This Wound Isn't Clotting V4.4 (SC winner - 21 players)

kata124 426

First place at the Goblin Town Games store champs in Pocatello Idaho. There were 21 players, 5 rounds, cut to top 8. Shouts out to Isaac for running a great tourney, Utah group for being tough opponents and chill people, and Burk's Bugs (my Boise meta) because you are awesome.

Runner deck here

Deck went 5-2. Everybody in the area knows I run straight up AstroBS and have done so for a while now. I figured it would be worth throwing people off guard by trading out the Biotics for some damage. Wasn't really an attempt to flatline as much as a way to throw people off their game and force them to find a Plascrete. It worked. There were moments I wished I could just score out my first Astro from hand but I think it was worth it.

Favorite plays:
- First turn Snare in a new remote against Whizzard
- Install, advance NAPD behind a Data Raven with SeaScorch in hand

30 Mar 2015 Heartthrob

Great deck, tough to play against. In the final I felt like you used the Scorch threat masterfully, slowing me down just enough to get your scores. Congrats on the win bro.