Money is Power!

zmb 291

Just a fun janky Sandburg deck that I threw together an hour before playing in my local Meta It was only partly successfull, as the opponent had 3 Femme Fatale :-O Tested it a couple of times on Jinteki.Net with good success. It had some troubles against DLR Maxx, but was so close to win over it first time, when runner didn't know about Bryan ;)

Game plan: FIrst ice up, then get rich. Then use Bryan Stinson to get even richer! Then use Tech Startup, Executive Boot Camp or Jackson Howard to find your Sandburg

If runner tries to run, rez Sandburg. Else proceed building up ice, getting money and start buliding a scoring remote for your Oaktown Renovation.

Once you got the Oaktown Renovation up, you can either keep it there to get insanely rich and make your ice even stronger, or score it and start advancing your other expensive agendas in peace and quiet.

Warroid Tracker goes on SanSan City Grid in scoring remote.

This deck could be taken in lots of different directions for improvement! Like replacing Government Takeover and Vanity Project with more public agendas, or adding fortfeitable agendas and add Corporate Town to destroy opponents deck or maybe a Reversed Accounts in a secure server to keep runner poor. Will probably add a Whampoa Reclamation to be able to put GT at the bottom of R&D

Try it out, it's fun to set up, and even funnier to see the runners face when you rez the mountain of sand :D

5 Jul 2017 Krams

I think your ICE are generally a bit cheap for Amazon Zone to really matter. What do you really get from that Upgrade? If you stack cheap ICE (which is fine with Sandburg) you need to install, like, 3 more ICE on a server AFTER Amazon just not to make a loss on the rez costs.

Another thing is Stinson... I mean, yeah, he's awesome when you get him to fire, but how do you enforce that? How do you really make sure the runner drops below 6c? There's nothing in the deck to really attack his economy on your terms and with Stinson in the equation the runner won't just let himself get broke on running binary ETR ICE. You're using him as a 3-of, so you seem to rely on him to work. Just give him a few Reversed Accounts to allow him to do his job ;)

5 Jul 2017 zmb

@Krams you are right, I haven't even used it yet, so will probably dump them for Reversed Accounts and more ICE. I tested this yesterday with great effect ;-)

I go for Bryan Stinson install as soon as possible, keeping it unrezzed while playing transactions. If the runner is getting careless while setting up his rig, thats a quick 48 swing in one round!