Advance Station (1 Core + Ashes)

5N00P1 835

I run this on a 1x Core + Ashes GNK in Berlin and it went 2 - 0 as we played 5 rounds of swiss in a one sided tournament together wtih my Hoshiko build.

So how to build an Earth Station deck with 1x Core + Ashes? Not having Rashida Jaheem and the kill thread of Hard-Hitting News, Economic Warfare & High-Profile Target?
I decided to go vegan, defensive and include as much econ as I could so that is why I included Cyberdex Sandbox as I expected some Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist with maybe Datasucker & Chisel and purging for money might be helpful. Roughneck Repair Squad also for some bad pub removal and to make money, as well as Wall to Wall. I had 4 ICE that are advanceble but it also prepares a Cayambe placement in the late game.
Lot's of ICE and especially the ones that help me, Pop-up Window for money, Afshar to make runs on HQ a pain, Drafter if they face check it it gives you back econ and maybe trashed ICE and of course Archer. ICE should be cheap as econ is kind of bad and advanced Ice Walls can get crazy strong. Snare!, Cayambe Grid, Crisium Grid & Red Herrings all to score agendas. So protecting HQ as they might not like to run a hand of Snares, Cayambe to protect my servers and Red Herings to protect an Agenda, as often they need to pay 6 to run the server, break some ice and then have to pay another 5 to steal it.
It was fun playing it, can recommend it to give it a try in this format.