The best uses of this card have already been mentioned before, but I think there's one more good use of this card: Apocalypse

With an extra click in your turn, you can make the three all important runs and still have time after the fallout to check R&D or HQ before the corp can ice up again. Add a Comet or Doppelgänger to your rig and suddenly that's effectively a six click turn. In a pinch, these extra clicks can be spent on a Same Old Thing to play a previously trashed event, albeit without the surprise factor.

Alternatively, if complete annihilation isn't your thing, there are alternatives; Notoriety being particularly effective if you can keep all three in hand to score the lot in one turn (that's a pretty big if though, with Exploit being more reliable, with a potentially equal impact on play).

If you're running a pre-rotation deck, you could also use Quest Completed if you're so inclined.

The main drawback to Early Bird for this purpose is that you can't combine it with another run event to bypass that nasty ice on the centrals (the same applies to users of Doppelgänger), and depending on your choice of breakers and centrals event the influence can start to stack up.

It's not a combo for many decks, but I've built a Ken deck built around this concept that's at least been fun to play, if not all that successful.