HB stronger together

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HB stronger together
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jeefzors 13

Trying to brew HB econ and Jinteki shenanigans

13 Sep 2017 jeefzors

Looking for suggestions

13 Sep 2017 Shishu

I'm not sure people are going to give suggestions to a deck that isn't compliant with Core 2.0 and rotation

14 Sep 2017 Krams

The general idea of the deck looks pretty solid. I think the main weakness would be the ICE suite.
First things first: Yog.0 wrecks you. It can break 8 out of your 17 ICE for free, unsupported (9 with a few Sucker tokens). That's half your ICE. You should be aware of that.
By the way, in the current meta runners expect to see a lot of Code Gates and will be prepared in some way. Yes, I know, the reason behind this is that Code Gates are awesome. But maybe you should play some barriers just because they're barriers. NBot too many, but maybe more than 3.
Fairchild 1.0 has a great cost-to-use ratio, but is a small ICE and glaciers generally don't want too many small ICE, as they aren't worth stacking that much.
Viktor 2.0 is also not really used that much for a reason: It rarely ever deals damage, so it's an expensive binary ETR tax. Runners with efficient decoders aren't taxed enough to make it worth it and other just pay the clicks.
Heinlein Grid alone isn't enough to make your bioroids non-porous so you will have trouble defending early on when the runner can just click through everything.
My suggestion would be Ravana 1.0 if you want to keep up the bioroid theme (AoT maybe?) or some solid non-clickable ICE. Maybe Enigma, as it punishes facechecking with clicks left. Sure, it's not the greatest ICE, but it's a hard ETR, something your deck doesn't have right now. At all.
And maybe a small number (2?) of big ICE. More than 4 strength, more than 5c rez cost. Something that provides an obstacle for light rigs. Fairchild 3.0? Heimdall 1.0? Tapestry? Sherlock 2.0? Something like that.

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