Three Point Six Röntgen

Watzlav 1035

Captain Padma

"Not great, not terrible."

I am finally excited to play my favorite faction! It only took two years and MaxX to rotate for that to happen.

Admittedly, this deck does not look exciting at all. Apart from the identity, it only uses one of the new cards. I apologize to everyone who clicked this eager to see the boat. I suspect it might actually be good to have what is essentially a Boomerang you do not need to keep reinstalling. I will let someone else prove it.

I am instead focusing on having a fast setup, so no 8 cost cards. The economy and draw is solid. You obviously have an Earthrise Hotel for the Captain to charge. But you also have Nyashia, because I am highly experimental person.

Since Borealis is continuing the NISEI's proud tradition of the best shaper card of the set being better in Criminal, we need to figure out how to land Deep Dive with Out of the Ashes rotated. For that, you have a reliable 1-of Beth Kilrain-Chang. You could also play Upya, but we already play one bad card just because it says power counters. The solution is actually to play Criminal. But wait…you can play Criminal while playing Shaper. If you don't have Beth, or the Corp does not have more than 15 you can install DJ Steve Fenris for the new Criminal. Yes, she is a G-mod.

Ok, mateys. As we say in the landlocked Czech Republic…


21 Jul 2022 JayPumpkin

This is so cool

21 Jul 2022 osintelligence

DJ Sable Deep Dive? Now that's how an RBMK reactor explodes...