Environmental Testing

Environmental Testing 3[credit]

Influence: 2

Whenever you install a program or piece of hardware, place 1 power counter on this resource.

When there are 4 or more hosted power counters, trash this resource and gain 9[credit].

"Why are we here? No one else is going to do independent testing, that's why."
–Padma Isbister
Illustrated by Anna Butova
Decklists with this card

Midnight Sun (ms)

#29 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
Midnight Sun

No rulings yet for this card.


I've played a few games so far with Environmental Testing and I would say it has exceeded my expectations. The reason is simply that one for 6 is very strong. Almost no other economy cards come close to this exchange rate, except for a really big Bravado or drip cards like Rezeki that pay out over many turns.

This is of course the best case scenario for ET, but is pretty easy if you get the timing right. Self-modifying Code, Simulchip, Rezeki and Misdirection earns you your four programs/hardware. As does SMC, Simulchip, search for an icebreaker then reinstall SMC.

It really is not that difficult to hit this point, so it is possible to get explosive amounts of money pretty quickly, all for a down payment of 3. ET has been compared to Technical Writer, which while having much less overhead (0 install cost) it builds up much more slowly, and requires a second click to use.

I think this card may be strong enough to be worth importing into Az or other hardware-heavy Crims that install a lot of Boomerangs. If your typical rig uses >4 hardware/programs, consider it!

(Midnight Sun era)

This card is practically a must-have in any Arissana deck. The economy potential from this card is extremely high - six credits for one click is already two more than Sure Gamble, and the only issue has been getting those credits off in a reliable and efficient manner. Arissana answers that question with her signature card: Urban Art Vernissage. If you're building a deck around her and her vernissage, you're already going to be uninstalling and reinstalling programs - sometimes multiple times per turn, and often clicklessly with her ID ability. Environmental Testing allows you to turn something that you're already doing into free money, and a lot of it, making you a profit practically every step of the way. Slot three of these into every Arissana deck you make - you won't regret it.

(The Automata Initiative era)