Kraut Hayley 1.0

5N00P1 834

Took the list from CM and adopted it to my liking and taking into account adoptions by others, such as including Maya as it's cheaper.
Wanted to pack Agenda hate and decided for Data Dealer and Artist Colony, but uh is this inf heavy.
Played with it in a small GNK but was never seeing my Crowdfundings early, which is an issue.

Takobi + Inti + Engolo usually works well together beside Barrier heavy decks. Cyberdelia as 3x as you want to find them early as it fuels your Crowdfundings and usually enables you to run 1x Turn for benefit or 0 as max + a Takobi counter, so you can load your Takobi. I think 3x Self-modifying Code would be good as I was to often in the Situation not being able to challenge the remote.
Included The Turning Wheel for matchups like Mti, where you perhaps only want to bounce and don't want to trigger their ability.

In the GNK I was facing Blues Sun (won), which was a very long game, Argus (lost) & Sports (lost). In all matchups it was hard to find the Crowds and get the engine rolling. Argus was just to fast and in the Sports matchup I was not able to find an SMC to challenge any server.

I would think about exchanging Data Dealer into another Artist Colony and increase the Cache to 3 and include another Stimhack.

1 Feb 2019 Longi

Hey Snoopi, nice deck, but IMO you NEVER ever want to play two SMCs as a shaper, especially in a Hayley build;)