
GPWK 142

Building off of GreatGreedyGuts's "Running the Rincewind Way" and CrimsonWraith's "The Magical Equivalent of Zero", I decided to take the Desperado/Security Testing Whizzard build for a spin myself. Honestly, I've just been trying to get Keyhole into one of my decks since I lost to it hard at a store tournament. This deck seemed like it might be a fun fit for it. Hopefully I'm not destroying a work of art by poking holes in it...

As for the name of the list, I'm not quite so familiar with Discworld, but I'm hugely into the Dresden Files. In the most recent book, Harry has taken up Parkour as a hobby. As such every time he jumps he shouts "Parkour!" at the top of his lungs. I might do the same every time I pass a piece of ICE. Or not. We'll see.