Blue Letter Val

Pilltechre 16

I just got hired today. You know, entry level. But I got big ideas.

For instance, take a look at this sweet baby. I developed it myself. Yessirie, this is my big ticket upstairs. You know, for kids.

Hudsucker Proxy

Board Member 1: What if you tire before it's done?

Board Member 2: Does it have rules?

Board Member 3: Is it a game?

Board Member 4: What makes you think it's a game?

Board Member 5: Is there a larger model for the obese?

Board Member 6: Will it break?

Board Member 7: It better break eventually!


The idea is to use Investigative Journalism and Itinerant Protesters as soon as possible to put pressure on the corps HQ and force them in to difficult choices.

Imp anything the corp tries to hold onto via Raymond Flint

Use Bad Pub credits with e3 Feedback Implants to preserve your grip.

Yog.0, Corroder and Mimic for anti-AI ice on centrals.

Late game the corp should only have a 1 or 2 max hand size (if they're lucky) which is when R&D pressure really hurts the corp. With R&D Interface the corp will have to draw 3 cards on their turn in the hope of seeing something you haven't. And then discard down to max hand size!

Try to keep a constant Blackmail threat to force the corp into more difficult decisions and try to avoid running any remotes unless you do it with a Blackmail (we dont want any pesky rezzed ice here!). Then the 1 credit to play cost of Blackmail means you're nearly always able to threaten the remote.

Tallie Perrault is the 51st card. I know that 50 cards is already a lot to draw through but the thought of using it after the first Scorched Earth or Traffic Accident hits to trigger Raymond Flint and Imp the next kill card is too appealing! It also does double the work here as its trash ability can be used when checking advanced cards in remotes to draw more cards to prevent being killed (before accessing of course).

If playing against lots of traps you can always use Raymond's trash ability to check advanced cards before running. And try to keep a few IHW in hand to protect against flatline.

The metric shit tonne of draw cards means you can get to your key pieces quickly.

Lucky Find I like for burst. This is just my personal taste but you could use the influence for whatever you like.

Only played a few games so far but it feels strong. Faust is OP.

Gooooooo... Eagles!

10 Mar 2016 Robotron5673

I've been playing this deck a lot lately on It has a very high win rate and corps with a hand size of 2 or less are easily frustrated.

11 Mar 2016 Pilltechre

Thanks for giving it a whirl @Robotron5673.

Since posting I've swapped one Lucky Find for another E3 and dropped the Tallie for a Plascrete so that I could feel a little more comfortable using IHW for draw when I need to feed Faust or dig for a piece.

Have you made any changes?

Might be taking it to a store championship tomorrow. I'll post up some results of the matchups if I do.

11 Mar 2016 Robotron5673

I haven't made any changes but I rarely have had to use Mimic or Yog.0. Corroder gets used to deal with Wraparound.

5 Apr 2016 Pilltechre

@Robotron5673 Sorry for the rediculously late reply. My car failed its MOT so never ended up making it to the event.

It was pretty solid against glacier types and those trying to hold on to a combo but I have since ditched the deck because of the FA matchup (2/1 agendas, Astro trains, San Sans etc.).

Also... Faust is understandably hated by many and I like to play with friends. Friends don't want to play against Faust very often. Especially when its backed up by the threat of Blackmail.