Secret Creamy Codegates

grimgravyboat 300

I've had some success lately with this adventurous build. The main idea going into to deckbuilding was to take some rarely played Jinteki agendas and see if I could form a competitive deck. Of course, these are Encrypted Portals and Unorthodox Predictions. Instead of going my original route with the core Jinteki ID (to capitalize on agenda density) I decided to forego the kill plan and house it in Tenin where I could conceivably rely on fast advance to score the Braintrusts or Philotic through Trick of Light. This plan synergized quickly when I noticed how the occasional 1ptr was mistaken for a trap and left untouched, which allowed me to use Tenin's ID ability to save me a click on advancing. What this does is set up a nice chain of events where you can score an Unorthodox Prediction with your first two clicks, and then install another agenda behind unbreakable ice which lets you score again next turn. It's a playful twist in the game I'd never thought of before sticking those agendas in with this ID.

The rest of the deck is pretty obvious, I think. Having 14 agendas makes the lone Philotic an important tool that might come up. You aren't aiming to flatline the runner, but hitting some key pieces after getting two points is a great feeling. Standard asset spread includes your Jacksons and the ever-lovely Mental Health Clinic. For upgrades, I've included a lone copy of the game's only Unorthodox sysop, Mr. Akitaro Watanabe, to help a little with rezzing ice, and 3x of NeoTokyo Grid which is primarily housed behind a protected HQ in order to soak up advancement counters from your ID ability which turns into 'free' money. The obvious goal is to house at least 2 adv counters on cards in order to reliably Trick of Light later on. The only ice in the deck that can use these counters are the three Cosmic ice and Changeling. So once the runner gets set up and can reliably make successful runs, it's a good idea to have one of these 4 ice installed so that you can spend clicks to advance and set up for TOL. The rest of the ICE are mostly codegates in order to capitalize on the agendas that affect them. This can sniffed out early by the runner, but unless they install a Gordian, you should be okay with taxing them with the pieces. No big surprises to this deck. You want to score fast and early, and have a board state that can compete with a fully rigged runner. Usually games come down to having TOL when you need it and the tokens to score the 2ptrs. I've had a lot of fun with it so far, but it's still a new build and might have some weaknesses that have yet to be exposed.

11 May 2015 regelreiter

NeoTokio Grid only procs when you advance a card in the server not protecting. So installing it in HQ would only benefit you if you advance Upgrade, which means the NeoTokio Grid itself.

11 May 2015 grimgravyboat

@regelreiter You're totally right. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my write-up but I do advance NeoTokyo Grid itself. This makes it more enticing for the runner to trash, which at 5 creds isn't a simple task. I usually don't mourn losing those advancement counters, as I find another copy pretty easily.