
♦ Aniccam 3[credit]

Hardware: Console
Influence: 3

+1[memory unit]

The first time each turn an event is trashed (from any location), draw 1 card.

Limit 1 console per player.

Objects are but modulations in a continuous cycle of energy—illusory and impermanent echoes of the Self.
Illustrated by Olie Boldador
Decklists with this card

Uprising (ur)

#84 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2020-03-09

    NISEI Uprising Release Notes [NISEI Rules Team]

    Can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card after playing an event?

    Yes, unless the event removes itself from the game or otherwise does not follow normal procedure. Normally, events are trashed after resolving.

    Can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card after an event is hit by damage?

    Yes. Damage causes the Runner to trash cards.

    If an event is installed facedown and then is trashed, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    No. Runner cards installed facedown don't have a card type or any other properties, and they are not turned faceup until after being trashed.

    If a Street Peddler is trashed, and 1 or more of the hosted cards is an event, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    Yes. The cards hosted on Street Peddler are not installed, so the rules for Runner cards installed facedown don't apply. Note also that if Street Peddler is trashed due to its own ability, cards hosted on it are set aside until that ability finishes resolving. The Runner must choose which card to install (and complete the installation) before trashing the other cards and drawing from Aniccam.

    If the Runner plays Modded and uses it to install Aniccam, can Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card?

    Yes. The installation completes and Aniccam becomes active as part of resolving Modded's play abilities in step 8.6.6 of playing an event. Modded is trashed after this, in step 8.6.7, so Aniccam sees its trigger condition being met.

    Does Aniccam cause the Runner to draw a card when they use the [trash] ability from On the Lam?

    No. On the Lam is a condition counter while it is hosted on a resource, so it is trashed as a condition counter and doesn't return to being an event until after it enters the heap.

  • Updated 2022-04-24

    If you play Networking and choose to add it to your grip, do you draw 1 card with Aniccam?

    No, Networking adding itself to HQ prevents the default trashing of a resolved event.


This Shaper console lift the heritage of Astrolabe that rotated at NISEI's first rotation. Astrolabe was the go-to console for both Anarch but also often imported out of faction, since it was only 2 influence and super cheap at 1c. Often it would make sense to include it instead of cards like Akamatsu Mem Chip since it basically did the same, but better. Also Astrolabe was very good against asset spam, as it had the powerful "whenever" clause to draw a card every time corp created a server. Then again, were you up against glacier, astrolabe might end up drawing you only 1 card!

At first look, this looks more expensive (3c vs 1c) and harder to import (3 influence vs 2). Also, the effect does nothing against asset spam, but don't let that deceive you: the effect that Aniccam have, are more versatile than it looks.

Let's start with the basics:

  • 1 mem for 3c. Compare that to Akamatsu Mem Chip, it is expensive, but not bad. Maya and Mirror gives you 2MU for the same credit. Cyberdelia cost the same for same MU, but is not a console and stacks and have a discount effect. Mind's Eye have similar stats, but a different effect.
  • Playing an event will trash the card (for currents this will happen once the current is trashed due to agendas being scored or another current being played). so the first time you play an event (each turn, but I am not aware of any effect that let the runner play events in corps turn), you may draw a card. Compare this to another Shaper console: Comet. Since playing an event always triggers it, I would say Aniccam would be guaranteed to fire more often than Comet, as it both triggers by playing an event, and by other means (se more below). Also it is 1c cheaper but one more influence (but hey Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone has 17 so maybe we will see it splashed in criminal run event decks too!)
  • Shapers are not big on events, but they do have a few that synergizes: Diesel will draw you 4 cards, In the Groove and Spec Work will draw you an extra card.
  • Since the trash effect is in both turns and from any location, Aniccam also gives you damage prevention against grindy damage decks such as Jinteki: Personal Evolution and Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed as long as they hit an event -sort of a mini I've Had Worse
  • Anarchs love to trash their grip so many Anarch archetypes could splash this card for draw. (EDIT)MaxX would get draw as well, when trashing an event.
  • Anarchs love to peddle the streets, but events always were a pain to have on your peddlers. Well now you at least get a draw, if you have this console, since hosted cards still have a type (unlike cards installed face down -see below)
  • Criminals always need draw, so I have already seen Aniccam replace Paragon in crim decks. Also Aniccam arguably synergize better with The Class Act than Paragon, given that actual draw is better than a scry that you already get with TCA.
  • Aniccam also synergizes with the Uprising hardware Buffer Drive giving you both the draw, and putting the event back in the stack (EDIT) as long as the trash was caused by damage
  • In the release notes it is specifically mentioned, that playing Modded to install Aniccam, will draw you a card, since the installation completes and Aniccam becomes active as part of resolving: Modded's play abilities in step 8.6.6 of playing an event and is then trashed in step 8.6.7, so Aniccam sees its trigger condition being met.
  • Release notes also specifically mentions, that Aniccam will not trigger if runner trashes an installed On the Lam: "On the Lam is a condition counter while it is hosted on a resource, so it is trashed as a condition counter and doesn’t return to being an event until after it enters the heap."

  • Note that Aniccam will not trigger when a facedown card is trashed, as they don't have a card type.

Let me know in the comments what decks you have used Aniccam in, and any nice synergies i have missed!

(Uprising era)

Buffer Drive does not work, as playing an event first puts it in the 'play area', then trashes. This allows Aniccam to trigger, but not BD, since it states 'from grip', making it useful for damage and trash costs / effects ( MaxX, Patchwork ).

They didn't state played events in the Buffer Drive point. If you trash an event (say because of Patchwork), Aniccam and Buffer Drive will both proc.

They didn't point that out, either.

Why wouldn't Maxx work? The text says "from any location". Shouldn't this include the stack?

Maxx will totally work with Aniccam.

LynxMegaCorp: what I ment with Buffer Drive trigger was, when damage caused events to be trashed, you would both get a draw from Aniccam and use BD (i have clarified this in the review).

BlackCherries: Patchwork and Aniccam are both consoles though ;-)

Shieldwall: yeah you are right about MaxX, I have updated the review! Thanx

I hope Elizabeth Mills isn't reading these comments.

What if: I draw until I have six cards, then, in my discard phase, I trash an event to trigger Aniccam and draw again. I can keep the sixth card, can't I?