HB off the grid test

vjhorse90 17


19 Jan 2014 Wakks

Whoa, super interesting. I think you're going too heavy on Wotan. I understand that you're trying to get a copy and rez it, but only one copy can be rezzed at a time. Outside of that, awesome idea here. Izzy McGuire could be a thing here to recover from Femmes. Also, you must be stacking ice super high to want Interns over Archived Memories. Another thing that could be nice for you is Shipment from MirrorMorph. With Director Hass off the grid, you can install a new off the grid server with Melange and make some heavily protected money. I do see money being a bit of an issue for you. Off the Grid, all those bioroids, pricey before you get set up. I dunno how much luck you've had with the deck, but it looks sinister.

19 Jan 2014 lostgrail

Wotans can be played from Awakening Centre, though, which means they are trashed.

I like this concept, protecting HQ with 3/4 of those big bioroid ICE, and then sitting the director in a remote. Playing a similar deck, I'd maybe cut the Successful Demonstration for a third Interns. ABT, Oversight AI and Awakening Centre will all burn through your R&D. I also imagine you'd like to store the Director safely in Archives until it's time to play her, so that gives you some flexibility in when to play her.

19 Jan 2014 HepatitvsJ

I like the deck too, my only concern is protecting archives. That's the biggest problem with OtG. Too much sneak door, in my meta at least. I would also drop the successful demonstration for another Bioroid eff research. Getting your big ICE rezzed early is important. I would also go with -1 Wotan, -1 awakening center, for +2 Janus. Nothing like using a howler to drop a Janus then BER'ing it next turn. :) Good luck with the build.

20 Jan 2014 ThStrllngBns

My limited understanding of this game leads me to believe I don't have the right to post a comment but I just wanted to say that I really like the concept and would love to hear more about your thoughts/experiences with this deck. I also feel like you could drop a Wotan or two and a successful Demonstration in favour of more reliable economy cards

20 Jan 2014 ThStrllngBns

My limited understanding of this game leads me to believe I don't have the right to post a comment but I just wanted to say that I really like the concept and would love to hear more about your thoughts/experiences with this deck. I also feel like you could drop a Wotan or two and a successful Demonstration in favour of more reliable economy cards