She's More Machine now than Captain [Startup]

Crimsonmatt 44

This is the result of a weird meme idea that I had of putting a bunch of cybernetics into a cyborg identity. That was the entire concept.

After taking a look, and playing in Sable, I felt that WAKE was probably a good enough card to use as the win-condition. I shuffled through a bunch of different Cyborg identities and realized that Captain Padma's charge on R&D run was a natural synergy with Wake.

This deck ended up a number of similarities with Satoshi's Turbo-Diesel deck. Opening hand, you will be looking for Dr. Nuka, and you will be drawing with her to pull your kit together. Early runs on R&D will fuel more Nuka draws.

Teleworks, Creative Commissions and Sure Gambles should be enough to keep your economy healthy and Dr. Nuka should take care of your draw engine. Diesels exist to draw without expending your last Nuka charge if you are unable to get in safe R&D runs.

Obviously Endurance is a key along with Wake Implant, but eventually, you will want all your breakers online so you can focus on recharging Wake Implant with your abilities instead of the big boat. Into the Depths with Boat should allow you to pull your breakers once your Boat is charged enough.

WAKE is obviously the critical hardware that you want to make sure you get down. You will run the occasional remote when you need to, but you want to win the game with central pressure. Zenit chip will allow you to transition away from draws on Nuka to allow you to charge Wake. Hippocampic is a nice little cheap, in faction cybernetic that gets some play due to the use of Core damage and End of the Line in the current rotation.

I wanted to run three cybernetics to possibly get Tremolo as efficient as possible, but honestly at 2 cybernetic, I am happy to pay to break most things. Hyperbaric is the obvious choice for your code gate breaker. Your killer is harder slot to fill. Echelon is not cost efficient in my opinion and loses to Carmen if you can get it down for the reduced cost, but with what you save on influence, if may be worth it. I originally considered Revolver due to the charge synergy, but I think it is a trap here. It gives your Rigging up an additional target, but you ultimately do not want to waste your Charge triggers on Revolver. Your money should be good enough that you will pay to break the subroutines.

Two very underrated card in this deck that are very key are Daeg and Flux Capacitor. Flux Capacitor and Daeg are what is going to allow you to make fully charged Wake Implant runs turn after turn. Flux capacitor is an especially dangerous tool. It's dirt cheap, and provides a huge benefit. Play it on a rezzed ice you can break and you can charge your WAKE implant multiple times a turn. Force your opponent to trash the ice to deprive you of the charges. It cost you only a click and a card, but it cost them two clicks and the rez cost. Play it on an unrezzed ice and dare your opponent to either let you run unopposed or give you charges.

Your end goal is essentially win on a couple big R&D runs. Maker's eye plus a full charged WAKE is a six access R&D run. You will either steal a bunch of agendas, and thus charge WAKE, back up with Daeg, or lock down R&D and allow yourself a turn to rebuild.

A couple of notes: With the Nuka draw engine, you will draw out of your stack, but hopefully your kit is going to be up and running enough that you are only a run or two away from ending the game. This deck is not as susceptible to retribution and hardware destruction as it may seem. Losing Endurance in the middle game can be bad, but we ultimately want to rely on our breakers, so it is not the end of the world. This deck runs no recursion, so ordering your installs around your cybernetics is important.