[Eclipse]666lb. Bongsession

Hayley Kaplan Universal Scholar

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
47 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Rebellion Without Rehearsal
Too many copies of a limited card
Agenda ()
Asset ()
Event (11)
Hardware (8)
Operation ()
Resource (13)
Upgrade ()
Barrier ()
Code Gate ()
Icebreaker (4)
1x Boi-tatá ●●
Multi ()
Other ()
Program (11)
3x Cache ●●●
3x Muse
1x Physarum Entangler ●●●
Sentry ()
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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awildturtok 94


Honest to god made this deck in the middle of the night, then dreamed up ever more changes of which I applied some in the morning.

The breaker suite is absolute ass, the Caches could probably be No Free Lunch. And no idea why i went with the Lucky Find lmao. The draw is an absolute mess and i was smoking massive amounts of copium when I did some draw-checks.

Both Trickshot AND Clone Chip are restricted cards. I should probably swap both for SMC owo.

Here is a bitcoin for @aksu as provision for using a weed related name: efe6ee61-56aa-4bdb-a584-84ffc8d8225f (I have no idea where the shaper weed jokes are from tbh)

3 Dec 2024 aksu

I will gladdly accept this bitcoin offering :D

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