A series of difficult choices

Trevyn 9

So, this is a deck with a world of choices. Mostly for the corp, and it's your job to make them as painful as possible. So, what does this deck do, exactly? It ANNOYS.

So, here's the premise. You want to make it as painful as possible for them to hold onto anything. The HQ Interface are a permanent threat, and with the Gang Sign on the board it makes scoring even those quick one pointers a poor idea. Couple that with Data Leak Reversal, Joshua B. to stay tagged, Wireless Net Pavilion to make it cost A LOT to hurt you while tagged, Plascrete Carapace and Muresh Bodysuit to avoid the 'incidental' damage that will be more prevalent in the coming sets (I'm looking at you Crisis Management!) and you'll be largely safe. Mostly. Throw up the Paparazzi for added security.

But, this still needs time and card draw. The Draw comes from a cheeky combo I just saw with Dr. Lovegood and Drug Dealer. Add a little John Masanori for tags AND card draw for flavor, and you're looking all right.

But time... That's where The Black File comes in. With Dr. Lovegood and The Black File together, I think you can make it to where they HAVE to flatline you, or pay clicks and cash (extra with Wireless Net Pavilion) to score out. Time is on your side as you mill them down...

OH RIGHT! You're still using Data Leak Reversal to mill them, Fisk Investment Seminar to force them to get a large hand to make them have to put something SOMEWHERE, and Hades Shard to freely take everything from archives when they've learned something bad is coming.

Please note, this is all fine and good in theory. Are there better more smooth decks out there? Of course. Are there better choices for some cards? Probably? I'd love to hear about it in the comments, as this is the first deck I've put here. I am open to ideas and thoughts.

3 Aug 2016 Devencire

Note that blanking The Black File using Dr. Lovegood on your turn when the Corp has 7+ agenda points will result in an immediate win for the Corp. This isn't to say it's not a valuable combo, as if you stop blanking it after the Corp has scored their 7th point, the Corp needs to survive an extra two turns before they win. (Given Data Leak Reversal, two turns might seem like a long time.)

Since you're in Criminal, have you considered using Hostage? It might help find the crucial connections when you need them.

4 Aug 2016 Trevyn

That's a good catch about The Black File that I hadn't considered. It is super good to remember.

As for Hostage, that's a pretty smartcard considering all the resources I have in the deck. I'll take a look at this and see where it may fit and then update the list accordingly. Thanks for the input!

5 Aug 2016 mawa

I can't understand the trend for tech cards against things that aren't out yet. I'd run Muresh Bodysuit IF you found you needed it, but since you don't, don't bother! As it happens, you have Paparazzi, so those slots are better used for another Wireless Net Pavilion, Fall Guy, or Paparazzi if you are really desperate.