Tag, you're it.

ShaperLord777 4

A NBN deck largely themed around tag overload, with just a splash of butcher shop as a failsafe. 3 Jackson Howard's for agenda manipulation, and also some sneaky agenda switchout ability with Exchange of Information and 15 Minutes. Hard-Hitting News, Midseason Replacements for tagging the runner from hand, and plenty of tag ice in the form of Data Raven, Thoth, and Matrix Analyzer. Using NBN: Making News's ability, the constant traces will soon overwhelm the runner ecconomically, while leaving them with several tags leaves them unable to remove them all, leaving them vulnerable to Closed Accounts, Scorched Earth, and allowing you to hyper advance your Project Beale's with Psychographics. And Quantum Predictive Model's to add some switcheroo frustration in case the runner does get in to your remote. Put all 3 Matrix Analyzer's on your remote, allowing you to advance an agenda before the runner can get to it. And put the Data Wards in back of Data Raven or Thoth to ensure a nasty series of strong end the run subroutines after the runner is forced to take a tag (if they aren't tagged already). Breaker Bay Grid to save some creds when rezzing large ice, and Red Herrings for agenda protection in case the runner does manage to work their way into your remote, and SanSan City Grid to allow for faster advancement.