Stack Overflow

HimboBaggins 19

Some friends and I were were looking through the list of FFG cards that would be rotating soonish and realized how many we had never actually put in a deck. I cant let that stand so lets sleeve up some bad cards baybeeee!

Aimor, Fractal Threat Matrix, Mlinzi, and Reverse Infection all have to do with taking cards directly out of the runner's stack. Seems like as good a place as any to start.

Game Plan:


Card Choices:

  • Sandstone is a pretty decent barrier for limited scoring windows. Ideally I can use it to score out a Timely Public Release and then, once it has built up some virus counters, it becomes fuel for Reverse Infection's mill.
  • Anoetic Void isn' there because its good, have you seen the rest of this deck? No no no, its there to hopefully get multiple extra triggers of Fractal Threat Matrix of course! I want the runner to spend like 1 running through a pair of 0 strength Sandstone and a Thimblerig, trashing 6 cards from the stack only to have to do it again.