Dumblefork - Aldershot and Woking SCs

Last updated


Shockingly, still good. Though I am still unsure of what everyone else seems to be seeing in Sifr. It is clearly good and improves the deck's ability to deal with annoyingly taxing ICE like Chiyashi, Fairchild, or macrophage but I have yet to use it in a competitive match. Cutlery remains the go-to option.

I arrived late for round one due to a bunch of train delays on the way to the tournament and ID'd the last round to have a shot at the cut, so I only managed to get in 3 games with the deck. It did, however, go 3-0 winning against Laurie's Potential Unleashed, Spags' ETF, and CI7.

** Updated **

Also took this deck to the Woking SC. It performed far worse this time around going 1-3, with losses to Railgun NEH, Temple CTM, and Russian Friends.

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