Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Pre-rotation decklist |
Sorta says it all, really (with apologies to my unfortunate victim!).
1.1 updates:
Added The Source and Hacktivist Meeting to bring a bunch more early game pressure for fast advance corps. Sort of need to move a little faster, really - keep wanting to not activate the combo until I have at least two of everything down, and that's not necessary really. That said, if you can wait that long, it becomes almost unstoppable.
Earlier writeup:
Friends, this is really strong. You will win, and everyone will hate you for it. I am confident that this right here is The New Shit.
Paparazzi and Data Leak Reversal were always going to be a strong combination, but this pushes that simple combo to its absurdist limits. If the corp hasn't won by around turn 10 - which, by the way, will have to be through fast advance, since Blackmail can snipe any dormant agendas - they have lost the game.
Your objective is to get 2-3 of each of your key resources on the table (Wireless Net Pavilion, Data Leak Reversal, & Fall Guy) and then install a Paparazzi (or two!) and begin milling. If you don't expect meaningful tag punishment - which is to say, Closed Accounts, Psychographics or Scorched Earth (if they're really rich) - go ahead and start using Joshua B to get that extra click each turn. You have a ridiculous amount of draw, so you should be set up pretty quickly
With a couple of Fall Guys and a couple of Wireless Net Pavilions on the table, getting to the point where they can trash the actually threatening cards will cost them upwards of 20c and two turns at least. In that time, you can mill like wild, and by the time they're done they'll be so skint that you can Vamp with abandon to push your victory home and slow them down past the point of recovery. Xanadu is there to help with the post-Vamp pressure, although it could be cut for more draw if you feel you need it.
I'm using Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe for two reasons:
The name comes from this deck being pure BoJack Horseman: you're using your undeserved celebrity and your bloody-minded destructiveness to ruin everyone's life in your own self-interest. Something about this deck is fundamentally broken, and I sorta love it.
25 Aug 2015
25 Aug 2015
I've been thinking of a deck like this since Data Leak Reversal came out! This is why I've been waiting to complete Sansan! Fantastic! |
26 Aug 2015
31 Aug 2015
I was skeptical of The Source, mostly because I fall victim to the "if nobody plays it, it must not be good" trap. I just played my first game with the deck, and I won 7-0 on my 9th turn without needing to fire DLR. I dropped a DLR and Hacktivist meeting on my first turn against HB, sending the "you should probably score now" signal. Next turn, I Blackmailed a Beta Test from behind a single piece of ICE, then Deja Vu Blackmailed a PriReq from behind 3 pieces of ICE the following turn. Next turn I Blackmailed to clear out what ended up being Batty/BBG from that server, then after he installed again I dropped The Source to not waste anything after I established I will be checking that remote. He advanced once, I Deja Vu/Blackmail FTW. I'm a believer. |
11 Sep 2015
I've been playing around with this and also finding it really strong. I swapped out the Diesels for I've Had Worse (which also protects against sudden "you're tagged! scorch" plays and Jinteki "I'm going to Mushin everything" decks) and the Vamps and Sources for two Account Siphon, which is still backbreaking if played at the right time, especially if they're rushing. Data Folding I didn't consider, only because I'm also using a single Corroder so I might hit 3/4 MU, but it's something to consider and I haven't found any better quick/cheap/not-click-intensive econ options (other than maybe Queen's Gambit). The biggest threat is Corporate Town, especially if they're also running EBC and manage to get some ice rezzed. That combo absolutely shut me down. Thankfully, most people aren't playing it! |
20 Oct 2015
So I put some Fisk Investment Seminars into this in place of Diesels and it's really fucking dumb. They're not technically mills, but starting a turn with one and following with 4 DLRs is hilarious. Vamp them after and it's just unnecessarily rude. |
Looks like Freelancer has a use now. Also, what are your thoughts on the match-up with NSYNC?