Queer Girls At The Art Museum (17th @ Singapore Nats 1-3)

Gathzen 387

This deck is an update version of my list from Worlds. I also took some inspiration from ExtraC's Arissana list from Worlds. I tried to tech against asset spam more than before with 2 copies of Wheels as it is a rough matchup for the deck and for me.

This was my Corp deck.

Round 1 (Loss): Played against reg PD. This loss was a combination of me getting a pretty slow start with not much econ, combined with the Corp getting a decent start and me face-checking into a Gatekeeper that really propelled them immensely as they were slightly flooded. They then had all that they needed and closed the game out quite quickly.

Round 2 (Loss): Up against some variant of KANEHL+. Again, got a pretty slow start, added to the Corp sneaking out an Artificial Cryptocrash really hurting my tempo. Made a big misplay and forgot to math credits for Bellona and ended up being 1 credit short. This was the winning agenda for the Corp but it might have put me in an unwinnable situation if I had stolen it.

Round 3 (Loss): Played against fast advance Ob. Had the worst draw of all games, to compensate I got extremely lucky on my R&D rips and got 6 points off of 5 runs for singles. But Corp had quite good draw and was able to FA agendas out very quickly.

Round 4 (Win): Was up against Punitive AgInfusion. Setup was a bit slow but good enough to be able to consistently contest the remote. Got quite lucky and narrowly avoided two Punitive windows. Converted to good central pressure for the win.