Worldswide Ripoff

obscurica 1317

The whole point of advertising is to convince people to overspend on your shitty planned-obsolescence products. Special Offer? More like special rip-off. Behavioral marketing? More like browser spam. And forget about bypassing the DRM or torrenting -- they're altogether too quick to fine you for your troubles.

Or worse. Much worse.

But that's the whole thing about it, isn't it? It's a bloody classic Catch-22. Leave Hollywood alone, and the bastards'll just fill the air waves with even more junk, making big bucks regurgitating the same old crap again and again under various different names until you've entirely forgotten what it was like to think anything else, or even that "new" or at least "different" (or, dare we say, subversive) was possible at all.

You'll die fat and sated and oblivious while the damn suits steal the very sky from you.

And after that, at what point do they start seeing you as a pig to butcher?

Spark Tax with big ol' chunks of cash floating around via Bryan Stinson. Guaranteed drains if you can hit them with a Reversed Accounts too, in case they thought that Temujin or a couple lucky opening Sure Gambles was gonna see them through safely.

Bonus points to Terminal Directive for giving you Marilyn for a constantly rezzable advertisement, as well as IPO for more readily accessible cash-flooding. Feed all of that into a Sandburg, and suddenly even that 0-strength Wraparound is formidable.