Iceless Initiative

Diogene 4428

Outrun the runner! This deck goes fast. Why bother icing up anything when you can just race and score!

Mulligan : Anything that give credits.

How to win : score from hand (sometime the runner forget to check what is on the board, but do not count on it). You have 3 ways to score.

  1. Use Bass CH1R180G4 or Biotic Labor to score.
  2. Use Audacity to score.
  3. Use Bioroid Work Crew to bring the agenda on the board and score. For this, you have Subliminal Messaging and Red Level Clearance to activate Bioroid Work Crew.

The rest is all about draw and getting credits. Your ID, Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home, is a big part of this.

At midgame, Stock Buy-Back will let you gain a bunch of credits and bring you back in the game, even after getting Diversion of Funds.

Stargate might seems a problem, but you will be too fast to care about that.

As much as possible, try to put back Global Food Initiative back in R&D. There is not much support for it. It is theorically possible, but it will require a lot of pieces to come together. Like having Jeeves Model Bioroids on the board, using Bioroid Work Crew to put it on the board and finally using Biotic Labor or Audacity to score it out. That is a tall order.

This deck will bring you and the runner on a wild ride. I hope you enjoy it!


9 Feb 2022 crowphie

It's always interesting to see weird ideas experimented with. Obviously there's some significant differences between this and the Worlds 2020 Spombo deck, but it still feels like the obvious comparison point. If you weren't trying to go 100% iceless and were looking to optimise this sort of idea, would you run Meridian or do you feel that without Game Changer it's just not worth it for the potential to tax centrals at all?

9 Feb 2022 Diogene

@Crowphie you are correct. Meridian would be a good card here. It would slow the runner in all cases, either by forcing the runner to score more agenda, or grinding the credits of the runner. All that for the low cost of 3. It would even synergize with Stock Buy-Back. If you try it, you could replace 1 Advanced Assembly Lines and 2 Subliminal Messaging for it. It would need to be tested, but I think the deck would be more competitive with Meridian. Game Changer was powerful, but you can win without it.

Another ice that is good in this kind of deck is Pop-up Window. Since we do not really care about stopping the runner, this would provide us with credits while grinding a bit the runner's credits.

Another thing that could be done is to go all in and put a third Audacity. Then we would be keeping a single Spin Doctor. I would suggest to put in a Calvin B4L3Y to get more draw. I chosed not to, because Spin Doctor gave me more ways out with Stargate.

Lastly, Jeeves Model Bioroids is the "tech" card that could easily be cut. It allow us to have an extra click after scoring from a combo. It also can allow us to score a Global Food Initiative. But it is not essential, since we rely mainly on scoring from hand (and sometime scoring from an unchecked remote).

Thanks for your question. Tell me how it went with Meridian, if you test it out. Cheers!